1 |  |  According to the definition of learning, learning involves |
|  | A) | an automatic change in behavior. |
|  | B) | a permanent change in behavior. |
|  | C) | a change in the potential for behavior to occur. |
|  | D) | behavior changes due to maturation. |
2 |  |  Changes in behavior can occur due to |
|  | A) | learning. |
|  | B) | maturation. |
|  | C) | motivation levels. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
3 |  |  The school of psychology that focused on the adaptive nature of behavior is |
|  | A) | structuralism. |
|  | B) | functionalism. |
|  | C) | behaviorism. |
|  | D) | reductionism. |
4 |  |  According to William James, humans differ from other animals in terms of |
|  | A) | the range of their instinctive motives. |
|  | B) | their ability to adapt to a changing environment. |
|  | C) | how the laws of chemistry and physics apply to human behavior. |
|  | D) | the existence of the "mind" in humans. |
5 |  |  Functionalism emphasized the role of instinct in governing behavior, while behaviorism emphasized |
|  | A) | genetics. |
|  | B) | experience. |
|  | C) | mental processes. |
|  | D) | cognitive mechanisms. |
6 |  |  According to Aristotle, for two events to become associated they must be |
|  | A) | meaningful. |
|  | B) | contiguous. |
|  | C) | passive impressions. |
|  | D) | innate. |
7 |  |  Thorndike called the strengthening of an S-R association by a satisfying event |
|  | A) | the law of effect. |
|  | B) | the law of exercise. |
|  | C) | the law of readiness. |
|  | D) | the law of least effort. |
8 |  |  Learning for Thorndike was based on |
|  | A) | insight. |
|  | B) | trial and error. |
|  | C) | hypothesis testing. |
|  | D) | means-end readiness. |
9 |  |  Pavlovian (classical) conditioning has occurred when |
|  | A) | the CR produces the CS. |
|  | B) | the CS produces the UCS. |
|  | C) | the CS produces the CR. |
|  | D) | the UCS produces the UCR. |
10 |  |  After Pavlovian conditioning has occurred, repeated presentations of the CS in the absence of the UCS will decrease the strength of the CR. Pavlov termed this process |
|  | A) | reversal learning. |
|  | B) | generalization. |
|  | C) | extinction. |
|  | D) | external inhibition. |
11 |  |  According to Thorndike, most S-R associations are formed through |
|  | A) | the law of effect. |
|  | B) | associative shifting. |
|  | C) | generalization. |
|  | D) | Pavlovian conditioning. |
12 |  |  After training Little Albert to fear the white rat, Watson found that Albert also came to fear white lab coats, white beards, and other white objects. This is an example of what Pavlov called |
|  | A) | extinction. |
|  | B) | response satiation. |
|  | C) | generalization. |
|  | D) | concept discrimination. |
13 |  |  Mary Cover Jones, a student of Watson's, developed a procedure to eliminate fear like that induced in Little Albert. This procedure was termed |
|  | A) | respondent conditioning. |
|  | B) | counterconditioning. |
|  | C) | extinction. |
|  | D) | spontaneous recovery. |
14 |  |  The basic principle underlying the ethics of using human subjects in research is |
|  | A) | maximizing gain in knowledge while minimizing risk to the participant. |
|  | B) | requiring students to participate in research for course credit. |
|  | C) | maximizing scientific gain at the expense of the research participant. |
|  | D) | the use of deception to maintain participant innocence. |
15 |  |  Justifications for the use of non-human animals as research subjects include |
|  | A) | less variability in non-human animals. |
|  | B) | some types of research cannot be ethically conducted using humans. |
|  | C) | non-human animals are better models of human behavior than humans are. |
|  | D) | both a and b |