|  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Supplement ListStudent Supplements:ISBN | Item | 0-07-249199-x | Student Study Guide | 0-07-253097-9 | Student CD ROM | On-Line Learning Center www.mhhe.com/santrocka9 |
Instructor Supplements:ISBN | Item | 0-07-249200-7 | Instructors Manual | 0-07-249203-1 | Test Bank | 0-697-29969-4 | Image Bank CD-ROM | 0-07-249202-3 | Computerized Test Bank, Dual platform | 0-07-249204-x | Instructor's Resource CD ROM | PowerPoint Slides (on web and IRCD) | PageOut | 0-07-366080-9 | Generic Transparencies (1998) |