1 |  |  That these times are the best of times for today's adolescents is indicated by the observation that |
|  | A) | crack cocaine is more addictive and deadly than marijuana. |
|  | B) | individuals have longer life expectancies than ever before. |
|  | C) | most families include a father who is the breadwinner, a mother, and children. |
|  | D) | television transmits powerful messages about sex and violence. |
2 |  |  According to Plato, the distinguishing feature of the adolescent period was the development of |
|  | A) | reason. |
|  | B) | self-determination. |
|  | C) | virtues and morals. |
|  | D) | conformity to societal standards. |
3 |  |  According to Aristotle, this is the most important aspect of adolescence. |
|  | A) | emotional stability |
|  | B) | virtues and morals |
|  | C) | the ability to choose |
|  | D) | reasoning |
4 |  |  G. Stanley Hall described adolescence as a period of |
|  | A) | emotional stability. |
|  | B) | passivity and conformity. |
|  | C) | considerable turmoil. |
|  | D) | gradual socioemotional development. |
5 |  |  The ____________ century marked the beginning of the scientific exploration of adolescence. |
|  | A) | nineteenth |
|  | B) | fifteenth |
|  | C) | fourth |
|  | D) | twentieth |
6 |  |  G. Stanley Hall was strongly influenced by the views of |
|  | A) | Rousseau. |
|  | B) | Mead. |
|  | C) | Darwin. |
|  | D) | Freud. |
7 |  |  Margaret Mead proposed that adolescents develop easily into adulthood if their environments are appropriately designed, after observing adolescents in |
|  | A) | Samoa. |
|  | B) | the Philippines. |
|  | C) | the Trobriand Islands. |
|  | D) | Mangia. |
8 |  |  The current view of Margaret Mead's research on Samoan adolescents is that |
|  | A) | it was unbiased and error-free. |
|  | B) | it supports the inventionist view rather than G. Stanley Hall's view of adolescence. |
|  | C) | it exemplifies the adolescent generalization gap. |
|  | D) | their lives are more stressful than Mead observed. |
9 |  |  Because they believe it was during this time frame that the concept of adolescence was form, historians now call this period the "age of adolescence." |
|  | A) | 1910 to 1940 |
|  | B) | 1890 to 1920 |
|  | C) | 1920 to 1950 |
|  | D) | 1960 to 1980 |
10 |  |  Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the invention of the concept of adolescence? |
|  | A) | Child-saving legislation |
|  | B) | Increased adolescent employment during the Great Depression |
|  | C) | The separation of work and the home |
|  | D) | The creation of a system of compulsory education |
11 |  |  As compulsory laws regarding youth were enacted in the early twentieth century, employment of adolescents _____ and school attendance _____ . |
|  | A) | decreased; increased |
|  | B) | decreased; decreased |
|  | C) | increased; decreased |
|  | D) | increased; increased |
12 |  |  You are reading a book about how children and adolescents have historically been treated by their parents. The book describes how a mother tries to imitate her daughter's dance steps. The historical passage probably referred to the |
|  | A) | 1890s. |
|  | B) | 1920s. |
|  | C) | 1940s. |
|  | D) | 1960s. |
13 |  |  What event led to the increase in adolescent rebellion and protest? |
|  | A) | The discovery of marijuana |
|  | B) | The bombing of Pearl Harbor |
|  | C) | The Vietnam War |
|  | D) | The Great Depression |
14 |  |  Which of the following is most likely to be true concerning perceptions of adolescents of the mid 1970s to the 1980s? |
|  | A) | They are less interested in physical fitness. |
|  | B) | They are more achievement-oriented. |
|  | C) | They engage in more radical protests than in the 1970s. |
|  | D) | They are less sexually permissive. |
15 |  |  If you categorized all adolescents as rebellious, lazy, smart alecks, you would be using a(n) |
|  | A) | context. |
|  | B) | inventionist view. |
|  | C) | stereotype. |
|  | D) | generation gap view. |
16 |  |  When you were an adolescent, your parents accused your generation of being lazy and having no respect for authority. Based on the research concerning parents' and adolescents' attitudes, you might have told your parents: |
|  | A) | "I guess we just have an insurmountable generation gap." |
|  | B) | "What you call a generation gap, I would call a generalization gap." |
|  | C) | "Although the majority of adolescents have a generation gap, I don't." |
|  | D) | "Only the parents of deviant adolescents have a generalization gap." |
17 |  |  The research by Daniel Offer and his colleagues in 1988, which examined the self-images of adolescents around the world, had what effect on the belief that adolescents are highly stressed? |
|  | A) | It supported that belief. |
|  | B) | It challenged its accuracy. |
|  | C) | It showed depression to be a larger problem than stress. |
|  | D) | It was inconclusive and therefore had no impact. |
18 |  |  Sociocultural context refers to |
|  | A) | the setting in which development occurs. |
|  | B) | studies that allow comparisons between different cultures. |
|  | C) | the most important influences on development according to G. Stanley Hall. |
|  | D) | a term associated with inferiority and deficits in the cultural group in questions. |
19 |  |  The first individual to use the term "gifted" as a way to describe youth who scored high on intelligence tests was |
|  | A) | Leta Hollingworth. |
|  | B) | George Sanchez. |
|  | C) | Kenneth Clark. |
|  | D) | Daniel Offer. |
20 |  |  The first to document cultural bias in intelligence tests for children and adolescents was |
|  | A) | Leta Hollingworth. |
|  | B) | George Sanchez. |
|  | C) | Kenneth Clark. |
|  | D) | Daniel Offer. |
21 |  |  A national government's actions that influence the welfare of its citizens defines the concept of |
|  | A) | family values. |
|  | B) | generational inequity. |
|  | C) | the inventionist viewpoint. |
|  | D) | social policy. |
22 |  |  According to Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children's Defense Fund, the most important function of our society should be |
|  | A) | eliminating violence. |
|  | B) | restructuring our educational system. |
|  | C) | parenting and nurturing the next generation. |
|  | D) | developing a healthy knowledge of the body and sexuality. |
23 |  |  The concern that older members of the society benefit disproportionately more than younger members of the society in terms of national allocations of resources is the concept of |
|  | A) | generational inequity. |
|  | B) | social policy. |
|  | C) | the adolescent generalization gap. |
|  | D) | the storm-and-stress view. |
24 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a major process contributing to the scientific study of development? |
|  | A) | Cognitive |
|  | B) | Biological |
|  | C) | Socioemotional |
|  | D) | Personal |
25 |  |  The pattern of change that begins at conception and continues throughout one's life span is represented as |
|  | A) | context. |
|  | B) | adolescence. |
|  | C) | development. |
|  | D) | continuity. |
26 |  |  According to G. Stanley Hall, the dominant process of adolescent development would be |
|  | A) | biological. |
|  | B) | cognitive. |
|  | C) | sexual. |
|  | D) | socioemotional. |
27 |  |  Alterations in an individual's thinking and intelligence suggest a change in |
|  | A) | cognitive processes. |
|  | B) | biological processes. |
|  | C) | context. |
|  | D) | socioemotional processes. |
28 |  |  First grade typically marks the end of which period? |
|  | A) | Prenatal period |
|  | B) | Infancy |
|  | C) | Toddlerhood |
|  | D) | Early childhood |
29 |  |  Developmentalists subdivide the period of development before adolescence into _____ periods. |
|  | A) | two |
|  | B) | six |
|  | C) | four |
|  | D) | eight |
30 |  |  If Kenneth Kenniston were correct, a youth would be expected to |
|  | A) | live in several different places. |
|  | B) | be confused about sexual orientation. |
|  | C) | avoid dating. |
|  | D) | be unable to secure full-time employment. |
31 |  |  The most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is |
|  | A) | the first sexual experience. |
|  | B) | the decision to get married. |
|  | C) | taking a job that is more or less permanent and fulltime. |
|  | D) | learning to drive a car. |
32 |  |  On the issue of maturation and experience, most developmentalists |
|  | A) | agree with the position of G. Stanley Hall. |
|  | B) | agree with the position of Margaret Mead. |
|  | C) | agree with the inventionist viewpoint. |
|  | D) | recognize the importance of their interaction. |
33 |  |  Many developmentalists believe that humans progress through a number of defined stages in the course of their lives. John Santrock, the author of Adolescence, would say that these developmentalists see human development |
|  | A) | as discontinuous. |
|  | B) | as unstable. |
|  | C) | as dominated by environment. |
|  | D) | much as G. Stanley Hall did. |
34 |  |  Which of the following examples is the best example of discontinuity in development? |
|  | A) | A seedling growing into an oak |
|  | B) | A worm growing into a night crawler |
|  | C) | A caterpillar becoming a butterfly |
|  | D) | A leaf falling from a tree |
35 |  |  Most developmentalists avoid taking extreme positions on major developmental issues because |
|  | A) | differences between male and female adolescents are growing larger. |
|  | B) | heredity is nearly always a stronger force than environment |
|  | C) | adolescents are beginning their sexual encounters at earlier ages. |
|  | D) | simplistic explanations deny the complexity of human development. |
36 |  |  The fact that many previously well-established differences between adolescent males and females are diminishing as females pursue careers in male-dominated areas and seek greater autonomy supports the _____________ perspective. |
|  | A) | social policy |
|  | B) | nature |
|  | C) | nurture |
|  | D) | context |
37 |  |  Which of the following is NOT an important context in the lives of adolescents? |
|  | A) | Music |
|  | B) | Family |
|  | C) | School |
|  | D) | Peers |