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Adolescence 9/e Book Cover
Adolescence, 9/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas, Dallas

Moral Development, Values, and Religion

Learning Goals

1.0 Know What Moral Development Is

A. What is Moral Development?

1.1 What is involved in moral development?

1.2 What are the dimensions of moral development?

2.0 Moral Thought

A. Piaget's Ideas on Cognitive Disequilibrium Theory

2.1 What is the difference between Piaget's heteronomous morality and his autonomous morality?

2.2 What is the concept of immanent justice?

2.3 What does the development of formal operational thought have to do with adolescent moral reasoning?

2.4 What is Hoffman's proposed cognitive disequlibrium theory of moral development?

2.5 What is internalization?

B. Kohlberg's Ideas on Moral Development

2.6 What is Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

2.7 What are the differences between preconventional reasoning, conventional reasoning, and postconventional reasoning?

2.8 What stage of moral reasoning is characterized by heteronomous morality?

2.9 What stage of moral reasoning is characterized by individualism, instrumental purpose and exchange?

2.10 What state of moral reasoning is characterized by mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity?

2.11 What is the meaning of the social contract or utility and individual rights?

2.12 What are universal ethical principles?

2.13 What are the justice perspective and care perspective?

2.14 What is social conventional reasoning?

C. Kohlberg's Critics

2.15 What are some major criticisms of Kohlberg's theories?

2.16 What is the Defining Issues Test?

2.17 According to Richard Shweder, there are three ethical orientations or world views, what are they?

2.18 What was the basis for Gilligan's criticism of Kohlberg?

D. Reasoning in Different Social Cognitive Domains

2.19 Why is it important to make distinctions regarding different domains when considering adolescent's sociocognitive reasoning?

2.20 What three domains have been given the most attention?

3.0 Discuss Moral Behavior

A. Basic Processes

3.1 How is moral behavior determined by the processes of reinforcement, punishment, and imitation?

3.2 What situational variations are involved in moral behavior?

3.3 What did Hartshorne and May find about situational variation in moral behavior?

B. Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Development

3.4 What is the nature of the social cognitive theory of moral development?

3.5 What is the difference between moral competence and moral behavior?

3.6 What are the social cognitive theorists' criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

C. Altruism

3.7 What is the nature of altruism?

3.8 How are reciprocity and exchange involved in altruism?

3.9 What is the role of forgiveness in altruism?

3.10 Is there a developmental sequence for the development of altruism?

4.0 Understand Moral Feelings

A. Psychoanalytic Theory

4.1 According to Freud, what is the moral part of personality?

4.2 How does the process of identification affect moral development?

4.3 Why do children conform to moral standards, according to Freud?

4.4 What did Freud mean by the ego ideal and the conscience?

4.5 What were Erikson's views regarding three stages of moral development?

B. Child-Rearing Techniques

4.6 What do child-rearing techniques have to do with moral development?

4.7 How do love withdrawal, power assertion, and induction affect a child's moral development?

C. Empathy

4.8 What is empathy and how does it contribute to moral development?

D. The Contemporary Perspective

4.9 How are emotions interwoven with moral development?

5.0 Describe Moral Education

A. The Hidden Curriculum

5.1 What is meant by the hidden curriculum?

5.2 Who was John Dewey?

B. Character Education

5.3 What is character education?

5.4 What is the nature of moral literacy?

C. Values Clarification

5.5 What is the nature of values clarification?

D. Cognitive Moral Education

5.6 What is cognitive moral education?

5.7 Whose theory of moral development is the basis for many cognitive moral education programs?

E. Service Learning

5.8 What is service learning?

6.0 Evaluate Values in Adolescence

A. Values

6.1 How are values defined?

6.2 How are adolescent values changing?

7.0 Discuss Religion in Adolescence

A. Religion

7.1 What is the scope of religion interest in children and adolescents?

7.2 Is adolescence a special juncture in religious development?

7.3 What is Piaget's theory about the role of religion in development?

7.4 Are there links between religiousness and sexuality?

7.5 What is Fowler's life-span development view of the six stages of finding meaning in life?

8.0 Know About Cults

A. Cults

8.1 What is the nature of cults?

8.2 Why do people join cults?

8.3 What is a cult's potential for abuse?