 |  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Adolescent Problems
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins)American Psychiatric Association
Explores what abnormal behavior involves, various mental disorders and their classification, and provides links to other related mental health web sites. |
 |  |  | Internet Mental Health
Read about a number of mental disorders and their diagnosis; links to other mental health web sites are provided. |
 |  |  | Mental Health Net
Learn more about mental disorders and their treatment; includes information about depression, suicide, and eating disorders. |
 |  |  | Developmental Assets
This web site of the Search Institute includes a discussion of developmental assets and ideas for asset building at home, in schools, in youth organizations, and in congregations. |
 |  |  | Developing Resilience in Urban Youth
Describes characteristics of resilient children, what is meant by resilience, factors that foster resilience, and transitions in development. |
 |  |  | National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
A wide range of information about alcohol and drugs is provided; a breakdown of publications by audience, such as educators, children of substance abusing parents, and youth & teens is included. |
 |  |  | National Institute of Drug Abuse
Descriptions of drugs of abuse, news releases, and links to other web sites weith information about drug abuse are presented. |
 |  |  | Drug Abuse and Adolescents
This information is for individuals in grades 5-9 to help them learn about the effects of drug abuse on the brain and body. |
 |  |  | Exploring Alcohol Abuse
Focuses on alcohol and drug facts, research, and related links; a special emphasis is given to preventing alcohol problems |
 |  |  | LSD
Explores health hazards of using LSD and the extent of LSD's use. |
 |  |  | Marijuana
Describes facts about marijuana for adolescents. |
 |  |  | Marijuana
Describes facts about marijuana for adolescents. |
 |  |  | Cigarette Smoking and Cancer
Examine questions and answers about cigarette smoking and cancer. |
 |  |  | National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute's web site with information about a wide range of cancer topics, including cancer and cigarette smoking, prevention, and treatment. |
 |  |  | Addicted to Nicotine
This national research forum includes presentations by a number of leading researchers in the area of nicotine addiction; includes discussion of child and adolescent psychopathology as risk factors for tobacco use, access to tobacco, and advertising and promotion. |
 |  |  | Effective Prevention Programs for Tobacco Use
Mary Ann Pentz, a leading researcher in preventing tobacco use by adolescents addresses what we know about prevention programs. |
 |  |  | Cocaine
Examine a number of topics related to cocaine, including the scope of cocaine use in the U.S., the short-term and long-term effects of cocaine, and treatments. |
 |  |  | Anabolic Steroids
The National Institute of Drug Abuse research report series on anabolic steroids that explores such topics as health hazards, abuse, and resources. |
 |  |  | Drug Abuse Resources
Links to a wide range of drug abuse resources are provided. |
 |  |  | Drug Abuse Resources
Links to a wide range of drug abuse resources are provided. |
 |  |  | Justice Information Center
Read about crime prevention, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, and research in these areas. |
 |  |  | Preventing Crime
Read about crime prevention, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, and research in these areas. |
 |  |  | National Youth Gang Center
Explore various aspects of gangs, such as gang-related legislation, research, and promising strategies for reducing gangs and gang violence. |
 |  |  | Oregon Social Learning Center
For many years, the Oregon Social Learning Center has been one of the leading sites for research on many aspects of aggression and antisocial behavior. At their web site, you can read about current projects, observation research, parenting resources, therapy resources, publications, news articles, and related links. |
 |  |  | A Guide for Safe Schools
Extensive connections to web sites with information about school safety and violence prevention. |
 |  |  | School Shootings
Read about the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado; links to information about shootings at other schools are included. |
 |  |  | Lost Boys
 |  |  | Exploring Adolescent Depression
Learn more about the extent of adolescent depression, why it is hard to diagnose, its common symptoms, and adolescent suicide. |
 |  |  | Pathways to Adolescent Depression in Girls
Explore leading adolescent development researcher Jeanne Brooks-Gunn's views on developmental pathways to adolescent depression in girls. |
 |  |  | Depression Research
Learn about a number of research studies on depression going on at the National Institute of Mental Health. |
 |  |  | Suicide Facts
Study suicide risks, how to help, and prevention programs. |
 |  |  | What Do You Know about Suicide?
Take a quiz and test your knowledge about various aspects of suicide. |
 |  |  | Suicide and Homicide
Read about age trends in suicide and homicide, as well as intervention and prevention. |
 |  |  | Suicide and Homicide
Read about age trends in suicide and homicide, as well as intervention and prevention. |
 |  |  | Research on Suicidal Behavior
Description of ongoing research studies at the National Institute of Mental Health on suicidal behavior. |
 |  |  | Eating Disorders
Read about anorexia nervosa and bulimia, including support groups and links to other related sites. |
 |  |  | Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders
Describes anorexia nervosa statistics, warning signs, medical problems and complications, causes, treatment and recovery, athletes with eating disorders, obesity, and prevention. |
 |  |  | Anorexia Nervosa
Includes information about research, treatment, magazine articles, and booklets on anorexia nervosa. |
 |  |  | Prevention Research
The web site of the Society for Prevention Research; includes a newsletter and conference presentations on prevention research. |