 |  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Biological Development
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins)Biological Changes
The main biological changes of puberty are described. Includes information about hormones, menstruation, and cross-cultural comparisons. |
 |  |  | Adolescent Health
The Society for Adolescent Medicine's web site with links to a wide range of information about adolescent health. |
 |  |  | National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
Describes this school-based study of health-related behaviors in grades 7-12; includes information about publications and presentations based on the contemporary study. |
 |  |  | Health Risks for Adolescents
Extensive web links to a wide range of adolescent topics from general sources for adolescent health information to specific problems such as obesity and tobacco use. |
 |  |  | Behavior Genetics
This article, written by a number of leading behavior geneticists, describes what the field of behavior genetics is like, traditional methods, and innovative methods that recently have been developed. |
 |  |  | Twin Research
Provides information about a number of journal articles that describe research using the twin study method. |
 |  |  | Twin Research
Provides information about a number of journal articles that describe research using the twin study method. |
 |  |  | Hereditary Resources
Extensive links to web sites with information about heredity, including U.S. and international research programs. |