1 |  |  According to Jean Piaget, the fundamental ways in which adolescents adapt their thinking entails |
|  | A) | conservation and classification. |
|  | B) | social information processing and perspective taking. |
|  | C) | the imaginary audience and the personal fable. |
|  | D) | assimilation and accommodation. |
2 |  |  When he learned the value of money, Kenny initially thought that a nickel was worth more than a dime. Recently, as he has begun to buy items, Kenny has come to realize the value of a dime. The process by which Kenny adapted his schema is |
|  | A) | assimilation. |
|  | B) | accommodation. |
|  | C) | equilibration. |
|  | D) | metacognition. |
3 |  |  Piaget believed that there is considerable movement between states of cognitive equilibrium and disequalibrium as assimilation and accommodation work in concert to produce cognitive change. He called this |
|  | A) | assimilation. |
|  | B) | accommodation. |
|  | C) | equilibration. |
|  | D) | metacognition. |
4 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a stage of cognitive development according to Piaget? |
|  | A) | Sensorimotor |
|  | B) | Preoperational |
|  | C) | Concrete operational |
|  | D) | Informal operational |
5 |  |  When children begin representing their worlds in images and words, they are in which stage of cognitive development? |
|  | A) | Sensorimotor |
|  | B) | Preoperational |
|  | C) | Concrete operational |
|  | D) | Informal operational |
6 |  |  A child begins to pull toys from her toy box; in so doing, she sorts them into piles of cars, trucks, and animals. She also understands that some toys can be switched from one pile to another or can form new piles based on types having similar colors. This behavior reflects the cognitive ability called |
|  | A) | perspective taking. |
|  | B) | classification. |
|  | C) | organization. |
|  | D) | conservation. |
7 |  |  Unlike the concrete operational child, the formal operational adolescent can demonstrate |
|  | A) | assimilation. |
|  | B) | reversible mental operations. |
|  | C) | conservation ability. |
|  | D) | hypothetical-deductive reasoning. |
8 |  |  Compared to the early formal operational problem solver, the late formal operational solver |
|  | A) | derives her hypothesis from the problem data. |
|  | B) | looks for a general hypothesis to explain what has happened. |
|  | C) | is satisfied with general statements about cause and effect. |
|  | D) | searches for necessary and sufficient conditions to explain the results. |
9 |  |  Which of the following statements does not describe one of Jean Piaget's contributions to the field of cognitive development? |
|  | A) | Jean Piaget contributed a number of important concepts such as conservation and object permanence. |
|  | B) | Jean Piaget demonstrated that culture and education influence cognitive development. |
|  | C) | Jean Piaget demonstrated that we adapt to our environment. |
|  | D) | Jean Piaget made many insightful and systematic observations of children. |
10 |  |  Which group of developmentalists believes that cognitive development is more specific in many respects than did Piaget? |
|  | A) | Piagetians |
|  | B) | Neo-Piagetians |
|  | C) | competency-based developmentalists |
|  | D) | information-processing developmentalists |
11 |  |  Perhaps the greatest general criticism is that Piaget's theory tends to underestimate the importance of ____ in cognitive development. |
|  | A) | culture and education |
|  | B) | arts and entertainment |
|  | C) | authority and mystery |
|  | D) | sexuality and role playing |
12 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Piaget's theory? |
|  | A) | His theory assumes developmental synchrony, but that is often not the case. |
|  | B) | Some cognitive abilities emerge earlier than Piaget thought. |
|  | C) | Some children can be trained to perform at a higher level. |
|  | D) | Piaget's theory focuses too much on childhood sexual development. |
13 |  |  Which of the following has been proposed as a probable fifth stage in Piaget's stages of development? |
|  | A) | Informal thought |
|  | B) | Formal thought |
|  | C) | Situational thought |
|  | D) | Postformal thought |
14 |  |  Tasks too difficult for an individual that can be mastered with the help of more-skilled individuals defines what |
|  | A) | Jean Piaget called hypothetical-deductive reasoning. |
|  | B) | Lev Vygotsky called the zone of proximal development. |
|  | C) | Kurt Fisher called abstract relations. |
|  | D) | Neo-Piagetians called social information. |
15 |  |  _________ refers to the changing of the level of support over the course of a teaching session. |
|  | A) | Intelligence |
|  | B) | Metacognition |
|  | C) | Scaffolding |
|  | D) | Equilibration |
16 |  |  Adolescent egocentrism is represented by two types of thinking referred to as |
|  | A) | the imaginary audience and the personal fable. |
|  | B) | the abiding self and the transient self. |
|  | C) | narcissism and the imaginary audience. |
|  | D) | the indestructible self and the transient self. |
17 |  |  Your 20-year-old friend confesses to you that she has always thought that somehow she was very different from everyone she knew, in her feelings and her understanding of the world. You might suspect that her sense of herself reflects |
|  | A) | David Elkind's notion of the personal fable. |
|  | B) | an organic pathology, perhaps a temporal lobe tumor. |
|  | C) | a failure to achieve formal operational thought. |
|  | D) | developmental delay of adolescence. |
18 |  |  Short-term memory is a limited-capacity memory system in which information is retained |
|  | A) | for as long as 1 minute. |
|  | B) | for as long as 1 hour. |
|  | C) | for as long as 1 day. |
|  | D) | for as long as 30 seconds. |
19 |  |  Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon created the first standardized IQ test, which was called |
|  | A) | the Binet-Simon test. |
|  | B) | the Stanford-Binet test. |
|  | C) | the 1905 Scale. |
|  | D) | the IQ Scale. |
20 |  |  _________ is credited with developing the concept of mental age (MA)? |
|  | A) | William Stern |
|  | B) | Theophile Simon |
|  | C) | Alfred Binet |
|  | D) | David Wechsler |
21 |  |  _________ is credited with developing the formula for calculating IQs (IQ = MA/CA ´ 100)? |
|  | A) | William Stern |
|  | B) | Theophile Simon |
|  | C) | Alfred Binet |
|  | D) | David Wechsler |
22 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of Howard Gardner's eight types of intelligence? |
|  | A) | Verbal skills |
|  | B) | Musical skills |
|  | C) | Cooking skills |
|  | D) | Naturalist skills |
23 |  |  Who is credited with proposing the concept of emotional intelligence? |
|  | A) | Robert Sternberg |
|  | B) | Daniel Goleman |
|  | C) | Howard Gardner |
|  | D) | Robert Selman |
24 |  |  Which of the following is NOT one of Goleman's four main areas of emotional intelligence? |
|  | A) | Developing emotional self-awareness |
|  | B) | Reading emotions |
|  | C) | Controlling anger |
|  | D) | Managing emotions |
25 |  |  Your adolescent sister says that people with red hair cannot be trusted. Your recognize that she is developing |
|  | A) | an inability to take another person's perspective. |
|  | B) | a dangerous form of prejudice. |
|  | C) | an implicit personality theory. |
|  | D) | a personal fable. |
26 |  |  A Stanford-Binet test used in 1932 that was normed at 100 would yield an average score of ___________ if administered to a large group of individuals today. |
|  | A) | 90 |
|  | B) | 100 |
|  | C) | 120 |
|  | D) | 130 |
27 |  |  Which of the following is generally considered to be a culture-fair test? |
|  | A) | The Stanford-Binet test |
|  | B) | The Wechsler test |
|  | C) | The Raven Progressive Matrices test |
|  | D) | The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children |
28 |  |  While taking an IQ test, a series of numbers is read aloud to a student, with the student being asked to repeat them as quickly as possible. Which kind of memory is being assessed? |
|  | A) | Long-term |
|  | B) | Short-term |
|  | C) | Digital |
|  | D) | Conceptual |
29 |  |  Which term includes the ability to learn from and adapt to our everyday lives? |
|  | A) | self |
|  | B) | intelligence |
|  | C) | knowable self |
|  | D) | learned personality |
30 |  |  Alfred Binet developed intelligence tests to |
|  | A) | show that intelligence is largely the result of heredity. |
|  | B) | identify students who would not profit from typical schooling. |
|  | C) | identify students who were gifted, and needed extra challenges in their schooling. |
|  | D) | distinguish convergent thinkers from divergent thinkers. |
31 |  |  One of the main advantages of the Wechsler scales over the Binet test is that the Wechsler scales include measures that are |
|  | A) | progressive. |
|  | B) | culturally specific. |
|  | C) | verbal. |
|  | D) | screen for brain damage. |
32 |  |  The _________ intelligence test is often employed in assessing older adolescents because it is particularly good in identifying specific strengths and weaknesses in mental performance. |
|  | A) | Stanford-Binet |
|  | B) | WAIS-R |
|  | C) | WC-R |
|  | D) | Terman Intelligence Scale |
33 |  |  Which of the following individuals did not propose a theory of intelligence? |
|  | A) | L.L. Thurstone |
|  | B) | Lewis Terman |
|  | C) | Charles Spearman |
|  | D) | Howard Gardner |
34 |  |  The type or aspect of intelligence measured by the Binet and Wechsler tests is most closely matched to the aspect Sternberg calls |
|  | A) | componential intelligence. |
|  | B) | experiential intelligence. |
|  | C) | contextual intelligence. |
|  | D) | tacit knowledge. |
35 |  |  According to Howard Gardner |
|  | A) | it is better to administer intelligence tests to individuals than to groups. |
|  | B) | intelligence is best defined in terms of eight frames of mind. |
|  | C) | individuals have a general intelligence rather than various specific intelligences. |
|  | D) | intelligence is best defined in terms of three main components. |
36 |  |  In addition to the question of whether intelligence is primarily inherited, another important question about intelligence concerns |
|  | A) | the arbitrary distinction between aptitude and achievement tests. |
|  | B) | cultural and ethnic differences in test scores. |
|  | C) | using the computer as a model for information processing. |
|  | D) | the emotional and social adjustment of gifted individuals. |
37 |  |  Intelligence tests explicit designed to minimize the differences between ethnic groups are called |
|  | A) | bias liberated. |
|  | B) | culture fair. |
|  | C) | socially equitable. |
|  | D) | psychometrically equivalent. |
38 |  |  A psychology professor asks his students to think of as many uses as possible for a paper clip. The professor is encouraging |
|  | A) | brainstorming. |
|  | B) | divergent thinking |
|  | C) | convergent thinking. |
|  | D) | ideational originality. |