 |  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins)AskEric
The web site of the AskERIC Service for Educators with connections to information about education in many different areas. By clicking on the search ERIC database and entering key words you can access many aspects of middle school and high school education. |
 |  |  | Phi Delta Kappan
This web site provides the full text of the current issue of this widely read educational journal and the issues of the last several years. The journal's articles cover a wide range of topics with a special focus on policy issues and educational reform, many of which touch the lives of adolescents. |
 |  |  | National Education Research Centers
These university-based education research centers address specific topics such as student learning and achievement, cultural diversity, at-risk students, gifted and talented adolescents, and postsecondary improvement. |
 |  |  | Pathways to School Improvement
Explore innovative educational ideas about goals and standards, instruction, learning, parent involvement, school-to-work transitions, and other topics. |
 |  |  | APA Education Directorate
Provides teaching resources for K-12 education, information about educational reform, and many educational psychology topics. |
 |  |  | Constructivist Teaching and Learning
Explore a wide range of ideas about constructivist teaching and learning, including a number of classroom examples. |
 |  |  | First Days of Middle School
Includes help for new teachers, the first days of school, and resources. |
 |  |  | Resources for Middle School Teachers
An extensive list of resources in a number of areas from art to social studies, special education, technology, E-mail connections, distance learning, and professional associations and organizations. |
 |  |  | Middle School Issues
This connection will take you to the Search ERIC Database. Type in the words "middle schools" and you will be able to access hundreds of articles on middle school issues. |
 |  |  | High Schools
 |  |  | The Metamorphosis of Classroom Management
Read about the increasing emphasis on managing classrooms according to APA's learner-centered psychological principles. |
 |  |  | Managing Today's Classroom
Explores alternatives to control and compliance by emphasizing cooperative discipline. |
 |  |  | Teaching Resources
Provides extensive classroom and professional resources for teachers. |
 |  |  | Parent Involvement in Schools
At this web site you can access a number of articles on supporting ways that parents can become more positively involved in schools. |
 |  |  | Poverty and Learning
This ERIC Digest article examines the extent of poverty and how poverty is linked to lower achievement. |
 |  |  | Interview with Jonathan Kozol
In this interview, Jonathan Kozol talks about the devastating effects of growing up in the poverty-stricken areas of inner cities. |
 |  |  | Interview with Jonathan Kozol
In this interview, Jonathan Kozol talks about the devastating effects of growing up in the poverty-stricken areas of inner cities. |
 |  |  | Exploring Multicultural Education
This monograph examines many aspects of multicultural education, including teaching and learning, goals, and approaches. |
 |  |  | Multicultural Pavilion
Promotes multicultural awareness, has connections to online research sites, and discusses teaching strategies. |
 |  |  | Cooperative Learning
Examines what cooperative learning is and describes some cooperative learning programs. |
 |  |  | Learning Disabilities Association
The web site of the Learning Disabilities Association with extensive web connections to information about many aspects of learning disabilities, including guidelines for parents and national organizations on learning disabilities (Council for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children, and many others). |
 |  |  | Learning Disabilities Resources
Lots of good information on learning disabilities for parents and educators, including links to technical assistance programs and information about what teachers can do to help students with learning disabilities. |
 |  |  | Learning Disabilities Resources
Lots of good information on learning disabilities for parents and educators, including links to technical assistance programs and information about what teachers can do to help students with learning disabilities. |
 |  |  | ADHD Resources
Excellent links to information about many aspects of ADHD, including resources for parents and teachers, the National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, and many others. |
 |  |  | ADHD Resources
Excellent links to information about many aspects of ADHD, including resources for parents and teachers, the National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, and many others. |
 |  |  | Special Education Resources
Connections to many special education sites are provided, including special education discussion groups, parents' and educators' resources, and many others. |
 |  |  | The Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) web site that includes information about the organization and a discussion forum about children who are exceptional. |
 |  |  | Legal Issues and Disabilities
Legislative updates, American with Disabilities Act information, legal information on disability issues, and resources related to disabilities. |
 |  |  | Legal Issues and Disabilities
Legislative updates, American with Disabilities Act information, legal information on disability issues, and resources related to disabilities. |
 |  |  | Inclusion
Links to the Inclusion Resource Network, including students with disabilities in the regular classroom, Utah's project for inclusion, and other sites. |
 |  |  | Inclusion
Links to the Inclusion Resource Network, including students with disabilities in the regular classroom, Utah's project for inclusion, and other sites. |
 |  |  | Gifted and Talented Resources
Internet connections to a wide array of information about children and adolescents who are gifted, including The National Center on the Gifted and Talented, ERIC Selected Sites on Gifted Education, Kent State's gifted education resources for teachers, distance learning programs offered by Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, and Johns Hopkins, and summer programs. |
 |  |  | Gifted and Talented Resources
Internet connections to a wide array of information about children and adolescents who are gifted, including The National Center on the Gifted and Talented, ERIC Selected Sites on Gifted Education, Kent State's gifted education resources for teachers, distance learning programs offered by Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, and Johns Hopkins, and summer programs. |
 |  |  | Gifted Education
Provides a discussion of how viable gifted education is and a link to Ellen Winner's article, "The miseducation of gifted children." |