A. Functions and Use of Media
6.1 What are the functions of media?
6.2 How do adolescents use media?
B. Television
6.3 What are the functions of television for adolescents?
6.4 What are the special concerns raised by television today?
6.5 How strongly does televised violence influence a person's behavior?
6.6 What impact is television having on the sexual behaviors of youth?
C. The Media and Music
6.7 How important is music to adolescents?
6.8 How do adolescent's music tastes change during the course of adolescence?
6.9 What adolescent needs does music fulfill?
D. Technology, Computers, and the Internet
6.10 How is the technological revolution affecting teenagers today?
6.11 What is the Internet?
6.12 Whhat are some concerns surrounding Internet regulation?
6.13 What is E-mail?
6.14 What is the importance of E-mail for adolescents?
6.15 What inequities might arise as a result of the technological revolution?
6.16 How have computers impacted schools?
6.17 What is the relationship between technology and adolescent learning?
E. Social Policy and Media
6.18 What social policy recommendations concerning the media would benefit adolescents?