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Problems and Exercises III
(See related pages)

A. Correlational Analysis - Understanding Direction of Correlations

Decide whether you would expect the following relationships between two variables to be positive or negative.


Amount of snowfall and traffic speed.

Number of times a student is absent in a college class and grades in the class.

The number of times a student spins around and deviations (in inches) from a straight line is measured for 20 students who first spin and then attempt to walk in a line.

The relationship between the number of religious buildings in cities of the United States and number of robberies in those cities

The relationship between shoe size and years of education?

B. Interpreting Correlations

In problems 4 and 5 above, there is a likely “third variable” at work that is causally related to both of the variables in the relationship. In each of the problems in this exercise, a third variable might account for the relationship. In other words, “why” do you think that the variables are related?


Between number of religious buildings and number of robberies in U.S. cities?

Between shoe size and years of education?

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