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Matching Quiz III
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Match the appropriate counterbalancing technique with each brief description of a repeated measures experiment.


A researcher asks participants to read three different text passages once; each text passage is presented either with no background noise, low level of noise, or high level of noise.

Participants rate the attractiveness of faces expressing different emotions (happy, sad, surprised, angry, disgusted, confident). Each participant rates 20 faces with each emotion (120 ratings).

Participants are asked to track a moving object on a computer screen by using the computer mouse to keep the cursor positioned on the object. Participants’ performance for their left hand and right hand is compared. Each participant is tested three times with the left hand and three times with the right hand.

A researcher seeks to examine participants’ ability to detect objects in various patterns. The researcher has six different patterns and each participant is tested once with each pattern.
A)ABBA counterbalancing
B)all possible orders
C)block randomization
D)random starting order with rotation

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