Please answer all questions.
1 |  |  The form of energy used by cells is called: |
|  | A) | ADP. |
|  | B) | phosphocreatine. |
|  | C) | glucose. |
|  | D) | ATP. |
2 |  |  When glucose is broken down in an environment where oxygen supply is limited, a 3-carbon component known as __________ accumulates in the muscle. |
|  | A) | glycogen |
|  | B) | lactate |
|  | C) | phosphocreatine |
|  | D) | nitrogen |
3 |  |  When there is plenty of oxygen available in the muscles, the condition is referred to as being: |
|  | A) | anaerobic. |
|  | B) | oxygenated. |
|  | C) | aerobic. |
|  | D) | ventilated. |
4 |  |  What is the major disadvantage of accumulating lactate in the muscles? |
|  | A) | fatigue |
|  | B) | muscle damage |
|  | C) | nausea |
|  | D) | none; it is an advantage |
5 |  |  Athletes may take carnitine pills in order to __________ . However, this is of no demonstrable value. |
|  | A) | provide glycogen stones |
|  | B) | build muscles |
|  | C) | burn fat faster |
|  | D) | increase foot speed |
6 |  |  What source of energy is mainly used in light, aerobic activity? |
|  | A) | carbohydrate |
|  | B) | fat |
|  | C) | protein |
|  | D) | all of the above |
7 |  |  Which of the foods below constitutes the best choice when one attempts carbohydrate loading before endurance events? |
|  | A) | potato chips |
|  | B) | french fries |
|  | C) | all bran (high fiber) cereal |
|  | D) | rice |
8 |  |  It is a good idea, especially for adult women athletes, to have blood hemoglobin regularly checked to detect for a possible deficiency of what mineral? |
|  | A) | calcium |
|  | B) | potassium |
|  | C) | copper |
|  | D) | iron |
9 |  |  There is a direct relationship between bone density and: |
|  | A) | amount of exercise. |
|  | B) | height. |
|  | C) | regular menstruation. |
|  | D) | A and C. |
10 |  |  A light meal is best eaten __________ before participating in a sporting event. |
|  | A) | 4 to 6 hours |
|  | B) | immediately before to give a boost of energy |
|  | C) | 2 to 4 hours |
|  | D) | 8 to 10 hours |
11 |  |  Which of the following substances is considered to be a proven ergogenic aid that increases athletic performance? |
|  | A) | bee pollen |
|  | B) | salt tablets |
|  | C) | coenzyme Q 10 |
|  | D) | none of the above |
12 |  |  An ergogenic aid that is used in order to control lactate build-up in muscle is: |
|  | A) | caffeine. |
|  | B) | bicarbonate. |
|  | C) | anabolic steroid. |
|  | D) | growth hormone. |
13 |  |  Which of the answers below describes the benefit of a "sports" drink? |
|  | A) | provide water to hydrate |
|  | B) | provides electrolytes to enhance water absorption in the intestine and to maintain blood volume |
|  | C) | supplies carbohydrate to provide energy |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
14 |  |  During aerobic breakdown of a molecule of glucose, six O2 molecules produce how many ATP? |
|  | A) | 6 to 8 |
|  | B) | 14 to 16 |
|  | C) | 26 to 28 |
|  | D) | 30 to 32 |
15 |  |  Which of the following activities require approximately 50:50 mix of fat and carbohydrate use? |
|  | A) | a fast walk |
|  | B) | a fast jog |
|  | C) | a 3 hour marathon |
|  | D) | sprints |
16 |  |  When carbohydrate fuel (glycogen) in muscles is used up, it is difficult to maintain the high initial workload unless the blood glucose concentration is elevated by carbohydrate feedings. Athletes call this condition: |
|  | A) | the training effect. |
|  | B) | the second wind. |
|  | C) | hitting the wall. |
|  | D) | hypoglycemia. |
17 |  |  For most male athletes a desirable body fat level should range between: |
|  | A) | below 3%. |
|  | B) | 5% to 15%. |
|  | C) | 20% to 30%. |
|  | D) | above 35%. |
18 |  |  Which of the following ergogenic aids have been supported by scientific evidence: |
|  | A) | water. |
|  | B) | high carbohydrate diet. |
|  | C) | high protein diet. |
|  | D) | A and B. |
19 |  |  A pattern of repeated weight loss and weight gain of more than 5% of body weight by dehydration carries some risk of: |
|  | A) | kidney malfunction. |
|  | B) | reduced blood volume. |
|  | C) | increased body temperature. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
20 |  |  A basic program of physical activity should include all of the following except : |
|  | A) | a warm-up exercise to increase blood flow and warm the muscles. |
|  | B) | a workout to increase muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. |
|  | C) | a workout that reaches maximal exercise intensity. |
|  | D) | a cool-down exercise to prevent injury or soreness. |
21 |  |  What percentage of one's general energy needs are fueled by proteins? |
|  | A) | not more than a few percent |
|  | B) | up to 15% |
|  | C) | 50% to 60% |
|  | D) | 70% to 90% |
22 |  |  The site of greatest energy production in a muscle cell is the: |
|  | A) | cytoplasm. |
|  | B) | mitochondria. |
|  | C) | ribosomes. |
|  | D) | nucleus. |
23 |  |  Glucose is stored in muscle tissue as: |
|  | A) | triglycerides. |
|  | B) | glycogen. |
|  | C) | protein. |
|  | D) | phosphocreatine (PCr). |
24 |  |  Additional fluid should be consumed __________ an athletic event. |
|  | A) | before |
|  | B) | during |
|  | C) | after |
|  | D) | all the above |
25 |  |  Sports drinks are especially helpful when exercising for ____ minutes or more. |
|  | A) | 10 |
|  | B) | 20 |
|  | C) | 30 |
|  | D) | 60 |