hunger | The primarily physiological (internal)
drive to find and eat food.
food insecurity | A condition of anxiety
regarding running out of either food or
money to buy more food.
malnutrition | Failing health that results from
longstanding dietary practices that do not
coincide with nutritional needs.
undernutrition | Failing health that results
from a longstanding dietary intake that is not
enough to meet nutritional needs.
famine | An extreme shortage of food, which
leads to massive starvation in a population;
often associated with crop failures, war, and
political unrest.
infrastructure | The basic framework of a
system of organization. For a society, this
includes roads, bridges, telephones, and
other basic technologies.
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) | The virus that leads to acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
green revolution | This refers to increases
in crop yields that accompanied the
introduction of new agricultural
technologies in less-developed countries,
beginning in the 1960s. The key technologies
were high-yielding, disease-resistant strains of
rice, wheat, and corn; greater use of fertilizer
and water; and improved cultivation practices.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) | A disorder in which a virus (human
immunodeficiency virus [HIV]) infects specific
types of immune system cells. This leaves the
person with reduced immune function and, in
turn, defenseless against numerous infectious
agents; typically contributes to the person’s
biotechnology | A collection of processes
that involve the use of biological systems for
altering and, ideally, improving the characteristics
of plants, animals, and other forms
of life.
genetic engineering | Manipulation of the
genetic makeup of any organism with
recombinant DNA technology.
recombinant DNA technology | A test tube
technology that rearranges DNA sequences in
an organism by cutting the DNA, adding or
deleting a DNA sequence and rejoining DNA
molecules with a series of enzymes.
genetically modified organism (GMO) | Any organism created by genetic engineering.
transgenic | Organism that contains genes
originally present in another organism.