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The Discovery of Society, 7/e
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Hitler's Shadow: Michels, Mannheim, and Mills
The Discovery of Society

Internet Exercises

Exercise 1

Collins and Makowsky explain Michels’s “iron law of oligarchy” on pages 208–11.

Go to This link provides a look at Chapter 5 of Michels’s book Political Parties, and deals with the struggle that takes place between the leaders in society and the masses. After you have read this material, answer the following questions:

  1. How does the struggle between the leaders and the masses relate to Michels’s “iron law of oligarchy”?

  2. What makes the leaders different from the masses?

  3. What oligarchical tendencies do you detect in America’s political system?

Exercise 2

Collins and Makowsky observe: “In The Power Elite, Mills gathers together the evidence to show that power has become highly centralized in all sectors of American society” (p. 225).

Go to After reading the excerpt from C. Wright Mills’s The Power Elite, answer the following questions:

  1. What did Jacob Burckhardt say about “great men”?

  2. What is the relationship of religious, educational, and family institutions to the institutions of the power elite?

  3. According to Mills, upon what does the “life-fate” of the modern individual depend?

  4. What, according to Mills, is the largest and most expensive part of government?