1 |  |  Which of these types of receptors responds to pain stimuli? |
|  | A) | chemoreceptors |
|  | B) | mechanoreceptors |
|  | C) | nociceptors |
|  | D) | photoreceptors |
|  | E) | thermoreceptors |
2 |  |  Which senses provide information about various internal organs? |
|  | A) | somatic |
|  | B) | visceral |
|  | C) | special |
3 |  |  Sensations can occur only |
|  | A) | at the receptor. |
|  | B) | within the afferent neuron. |
|  | C) | in the cerebral cortex. |
|  | D) | in an effector, such as skeletal muscle. |
|  | E) | in the cerebellum. |
4 |  |  The stimuli received by sensory receptors |
|  | A) | originate exclusively inside the body |
|  | B) | all result in sensation |
|  | C) | are relayed to the spinal cord and brain |
|  | D) | are highly variable for most sensory receptors |
5 |  |  Decreased sensitivity to a continued stimulus is called |
|  | A) | adaptation. |
|  | B) | projection. |
|  | C) | association. |
|  | D) | perception. |
|  | E) | sensation. |
6 |  |  Afferent nerve endings in joints and tendons are called |
|  | A) | exteroreceptors. |
|  | B) | proprioceptors. |
|  | C) | visceroreceptors. |
7 |  |  Afferent nerve endings associated with the skin that provide information about the external environment are called |
|  | A) | exteroreceptors. |
|  | B) | visceroreceptor. |
|  | C) | proprioceptors. |
8 |  |  Free nerve endings respond to which of these stimuli? |
|  | A) | itch |
|  | B) | movement |
|  | C) | pain |
|  | D) | temperature |
|  | E) | all of these |
9 |  |  Which of these nerve endings sense continuous touch or pressure, and are found primarily in the dermis of the fingers? |
|  | A) | Merkel's disks |
|  | B) | Hair follicle receptors |
|  | C) | Pacinian corpuscles |
|  | D) | Ruffini's end organs |
|  | E) | free nerve endings |
10 |  |  Which of these nerve endings are found in the dermal papillae, and are associated with two-point discrimination? |
|  | A) | Merkel's disks |
|  | B) | hair follicle receptors |
|  | C) | pacinian corpuscles |
|  | D) | Ruffini's end organs |
|  | E) | Meissner's corpuscles |
11 |  |  Which of these sensory nerve endings senses deep cutaneous pressure, vibration, and proprioception, and is found in the deep dermis or hypodermis? |
|  | A) | Merkel's disks |
|  | B) | hair follicle receptors |
|  | C) | pacinian corpuscles |
|  | D) | Ruffini's end organs |
|  | E) | free nerve endings |
12 |  |  Afferent fibers carrying general sensory input synapse in the __________ , and then the information is relayed to the primary somatic sensory cortex. |
|  | A) | medulla oblongata |
|  | B) | pons |
|  | C) | midbrain |
|  | D) | thalamus |
|  | E) | hypothalamus |
13 |  |  Which major ascending pathway (tract) is involved in the conscious perception of external stimuli? |
|  | A) | spinocerebellar |
|  | B) | spinoolivary |
|  | C) | spinotectal |
|  | D) | spinothalamic |
|  | E) | spinoreticular |
14 |  |  Which ascending spinal pathway (tract) carries pain and temperature information to the cerebral cortex? |
|  | A) | lateral spinothalamic |
|  | B) | posterior spinocerebellar |
|  | C) | anterior spinothalamic |
|  | D) | spinoolivary |
|  | E) | spinotectal |
15 |  |  Which ascending spinal pathway (tract) carries light touch, pressure, tickle, and itch sensation to the cerebral cortex? |
|  | A) | lateral spinothalamic |
|  | B) | posterior spinocerebellar |
|  | C) | anterior spinothalamic |
|  | D) | spinoolivary |
|  | E) | spinotectal |
16 |  |  Which ascending spinal pathway (tract) carries the sensations of two-point discrimination, proprioception, pressure and vibration? |
|  | A) | lateral spinothalamic |
|  | B) | posterior spinocerebellar |
|  | C) | anterior spinothalamic |
|  | D) | dorsal-column/medial-lemniscal system |
|  | E) | spinotectal |
17 |  |  Which ascending spinal pathway (tract) carries the same sensory information as the spinothalamic tracts and the dorsal-column/medial-lemniscal system, but from the face nasal cavity, oral cavity, and teeth? |
|  | A) | spinotectal |
|  | B) | trigeminothalamic |
|  | C) | spinoolivary |
18 |  |  Which is true of the spinothalamic tracts? |
|  | A) | contain primary neurons that enter the spinal cord and synapse with secondary neurons |
|  | B) | contain secondary neurons that cross the spinal cord, ascend to the thalamus, and synapse with tertiary neurons. |
|  | C) | contain tertiary neurons that project to the somatic sensory cortex |
|  | D) | all of the above |
19 |  |  Which of the following ascending sensory pathways (tracts) contains secondary neurons that cross at the level of the medulla? |
|  | A) | lateral spinothalamic |
|  | B) | anterior spinothalamic |
|  | C) | dorsal-column/medial-lemniscal system |
|  | D) | posterior spinocerebellar |
20 |  |  The largest area of the somatic sensory cortex contains sensory neurons associated with the |
|  | A) | arm. |
|  | B) | face. |
|  | C) | hand. |
|  | D) | leg. |
|  | E) | thigh. |
21 |  |  The visual cortex and the visual association area are located in the |
|  | A) | frontal lobe. |
|  | B) | insula lobe. |
|  | C) | occipital lobe. |
|  | D) | parietal lobe. |
|  | E) | temporal lobe. |
22 |  |  The olfactory cortex is located in the |
|  | A) | frontal lobe. |
|  | B) | insula lobe. |
|  | C) | occipital lobe. |
|  | D) | parietal lobe. |
|  | E) | temporal lobe. |
23 |  |  The primary audio cortex is located in the |
|  | A) | frontal lobe. |
|  | B) | insula lobe. |
|  | C) | occipital lobe. |
|  | D) | parietal lobe. |
|  | E) | temporal lobe. |
24 |  |  Motivation and foresight to plan and initiate movement occurs in the |
|  | A) | precentral gyrus. |
|  | B) | premotor area. |
|  | C) | postcentral gyrus. |
|  | D) | prefrontal area. |
25 |  |  Which is true of the corticospinal tract? |
|  | A) | descending, direct motor nerve tract |
|  | B) | consists of anterior and lateral corticospinal tracts |
|  | C) | 80% of upper motor neurons decussate at the level of the medulla |
|  | D) | involved in direct cortical control of movements below the head |
|  | E) | all of the above |
26 |  |  All of the following are true of indirect pathways EXCEPT |
|  | A) | originate in upper motor neurons of the cerebrum and cerebellum. |
|  | B) | have upper motor neurons that synapse with some intermediate nucleus rather than directly with lower motor neurons. |
|  | C) | pass through the pyramids. |
|  | D) | includes rubrospinal, vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts. |
27 |  |  The rubrospinal tract |
|  | A) | is an indirect pathway (nerve tract). |
|  | B) | has upper motor neurons beginning at the red nucleus. |
|  | C) | decussates at the level of the midbrain. |
|  | D) | if damaged, may result in impaired forearm and hand movements (fine motor control). |
|  | E) | all of the above |
28 |  |  Cerebellar dysfunction may result in all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | decreased muscle tone. |
|  | B) | balance impairment. |
|  | C) | intention tremor. |
|  | D) | resting tremor. |
29 |  |  The brain stem |
|  | A) | contains nuclei from cranial nerves II-XII. |
|  | B) | is important in reflexes such as the cough reflex and the gag reflex. |
|  | C) | contains nuclei that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, sleeping, and swallowing. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
30 |  |  The main connection between the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum is the |
|  | A) | intermediate mass. |
|  | B) | thalamus. |
|  | C) | corpus callosum. |
|  | D) | vermis. |
|  | E) | midbrain. |
31 |  |  Given these areas of the cerebral cortex:
1. auditory association area
2. Broca's area
3. premotor area
4. primary auditory area
5. primary motor area
6. Wernicke's area
What is the correct sequence that these areas would be used as someone says "Hi" to you; you hear and understand them and say "Hi" back to them? |
|  | A) | 4,1,2,6,3,5 |
|  | B) | 1,4,2,6,3,5 |
|  | C) | 4,1,6,2,5,3 |
|  | D) | 4,1,6,2,3,5 |
|  | E) | 1,4,6,2,3,5 |
32 |  |  Which of these parts of the body has the greatest area represented in the primary motor cortex? |
|  | A) | foot |
|  | B) | arm |
|  | C) | hand |
|  | D) | chest |
|  | E) | wrist |
33 |  |  A student is thinking intensely about the answer to a test question while she is recording an EEG. The types of brain waves on the EEG are most likely |
|  | A) | alpha waves. |
|  | B) | beta waves. |
|  | C) | delta waves. |
34 |  |  Joe is 45, and has not ridden a bicycle since he was 18. To his amazement, he gets on a bike and rides with little effort. This is an example of |
|  | A) | declarative memory. |
|  | B) | procedural memory. |
|  | C) | sensory memory. |
|  | D) | short-term memory. |
35 |  |  The left cerebral hemisphere in most people |
|  | A) | controls the left side of the body. |
|  | B) | is involved in three-dimensional spatial perception. |
|  | C) | is involved with musical ability. |
|  | D) | is involved with recognition of faces. |
|  | E) | is involved with mathematics and speech. |
36 |  |  The limbic system is most involved in the control of |
|  | A) | sleep and wakefulness. |
|  | B) | maintaining posture. |
|  | C) | higher intellectual processes. |
|  | D) | motor coordination. |
|  | E) | emotions and basic "drives". |
37 |  |  One major effect of the basal nuclei is to |
|  | A) | inhibit unwanted muscular activity. |
|  | B) | increase muscle tone. |
|  | C) | influence emotions. |
|  | D) | mediate pleasurable sensations. |
|  | E) | process olfactory sensations. |
38 |  |  The major function of the cerebellum is to act as a |
|  | A) | relay center between the medulla and pons. |
|  | B) | comparator between intended movements and actual movements. |
|  | C) | center for emotions. |
|  | D) | receptive speech area. |
39 |  |  Which of these spinal pathways carries information from the right side of the body to the right side of the brain? |
|  | A) | anterior spinothalamic system |
|  | B) | lateral spinothalamic system |
|  | C) | spinocerebellar system |
|  | D) | anterior corticospinal system |
|  | E) | medial lemniscal system |
40 |  |  The pyramidal system |
|  | A) | controls rapid, skilled skeletal muscle movements. |
|  | B) | crosses over from one side of the nervous system to the other. |
|  | C) | includes the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts. |
|  | D) | is a descending nerve pathway. |
|  | E) | all of these |