1 |  |  Given these characteristics:
1. capable of contraction
2. covers free body surfaces
3. lacks blood vessels
4. composes various glands
5. anchored to connective tissue by a basement membrane
Which of these are characteristics of epithelial tissue? |
|  | A) | 1,2,3 |
|  | B) | 2,3,5 |
|  | C) | 3,4,5 |
|  | D) | 1,2,3,4 |
|  | E) | 2,3,4,5 |
2 |  |  Which of these embryonic germ layers gives rise to muscle, bone, and blood vessels? |
|  | A) | ectoderm |
|  | B) | endoderm |
|  | C) | mesoderm |
3 |  |  A tissue that covers a surface, is one cell layer thick, and is composed of flat cells is |
|  | A) | simple squamous epithelium. |
|  | B) | simple cuboidal epithelium. |
|  | C) | simple columnar epithelium. |
|  | D) | stratified squamous epithelium. |
|  | E) | transitional epithelium. |
4 |  |  Epithelium composed of two or more layers of cells with only the deepest layer in contact with the basement membrane is known as |
|  | A) | stratified epithelium. |
|  | B) | simple epithelium. |
|  | C) | pseudostratified epithelium. |
|  | D) | columnar epithelium. |
|  | E) | cuboidal epithelium. |
5 |  |  Stratified epithelium is usually found in areas of the body where the principal activity is |
|  | A) | filtration. |
|  | B) | protection. |
|  | C) | absorption. |
|  | D) | diffusion. |
|  | E) | secretion. |
6 |  |  Which of these characteristics do not describe nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium? |
|  | A) | many layers of cells |
|  | B) | surface cells are flat |
|  | C) | surface cells are living |
|  | D) | found in the skin |
|  | E) | outer layers covered by fluid |
7 |  |  In parts of the body such as the urinary bladder, where considerable expansion occurs, one can expect to find which type of epithelium? |
|  | A) | cuboidal |
|  | B) | pseudostratified |
|  | C) | transitional |
|  | D) | squamous |
|  | E) | columnar |
8 |  |  A tissue that contains cells with these characteristics:
1. covers a surface
2. one layer of cells
3. cells are flat
Performs which of the following functions? |
|  | A) | phagocytosis |
|  | B) | active transport |
|  | C) | secretion of many complex lipids and proteins |
|  | D) | is adapted to allow certain substances to diffuse across it |
|  | E) | protection from abrasion |
9 |  |  Epithelial cells with microvilli are most likely found |
|  | A) | lining blood vessels. |
|  | B) | lining the lungs. |
|  | C) | in serous membranes. |
|  | D) | lining the digestive tract. |
|  | E) | in the skin. |
10 |  |  Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium can be found lining the |
|  | A) | digestive tract. |
|  | B) | trachea. |
|  | C) | thyroid gland. |
|  | D) | kidney tubules. |
|  | E) | urinary bladder. |
11 |  |  A type of cell connection whose only function is to prevent the cells from coming apart is the |
|  | A) | desmosome. |
|  | B) | gap junction. |
|  | C) | tight junction. |
12 |  |  Those glands that lose their connection with epithelium during embryonic development and secrete their cellular products into the bloodstream are called _____________ glands. |
|  | A) | apocrine |
|  | B) | endocrine |
|  | C) | exocrine |
|  | D) | holocrine |
|  | E) | merocrine |
13 |  |  Glands that accumulate secretions and release them only when the individual secretory cells rupture and die are called _____________ glands. |
|  | A) | apocrine |
|  | B) | holocrine |
|  | C) | merocrine |
14 |  |  A gland has a duct that branches repeatedly, and the ducts end in saclike structures. This describes a _____________ gland. |
|  | A) | simple tubular |
|  | B) | compound tubular |
|  | C) | simple coiled tubular |
|  | D) | simple acinar |
|  | E) | compound acinar |
15 |  |  The fibers in dense connective tissue are produced by |
|  | A) | fibroblasts. |
|  | B) | adipocytes. |
|  | C) | osteoblasts. |
|  | D) | osteoclasts. |
|  | E) | macrophages. |
16 |  |  Mesenchymal cells |
|  | A) | form embryonic connective tissue. |
|  | B) | give rise to all adult connective tissues. |
|  | C) | in adults produce new connective tissue cells in response to injury. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
17 |  |  A tissue with a large number of collagen fibers organized parallel to each other would most likely be found in |
|  | A) | a muscle. |
|  | B) | a tendon. |
|  | C) | adipose tissue. |
|  | D) | a bone. |
|  | E) | cartilage. |
18 |  |  Extremely delicate fibers that make up the framework for organs such as the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes are |
|  | A) | elastic fibers. |
|  | B) | reticular fibers. |
|  | C) | microvilli. |
|  | D) | cilia. |
|  | E) | collagen fibers. |
19 |  |  In which of these locations would dense irregular elastic connective tissue be found? |
|  | A) | ligaments |
|  | B) | nuchal ligament |
|  | C) | dermis of skin |
|  | D) | large arteries |
|  | E) | adipose tissue |
20 |  |  Which of these is not true of adipose tissue? |
|  | A) | site of energy storage |
|  | B) | a type of connective tissue |
|  | C) | acts as a protective cushion |
|  | D) | brown adipose is found only in babies |
|  | E) | functions as a heat insulator |
21 |  |  Which of these types of connective tissue has the smallest amount of extracellular matrix? |
|  | A) | adipose |
|  | B) | bone |
|  | C) | cartilage |
|  | D) | loose connective tissue |
|  | E) | blood |
22 |  |  Given these characteristics:
1. cells located in lacunae
2. proteoglycans in ground substance
3. no collagen fibers present
4. perichondrium on surface
5. heals rapidly after injury
Which of these characteristics apply to cartilage? |
|  | A) | 1,2,3 |
|  | B) | 1,2,4 |
|  | C) | 2,4,5 |
|  | D) | 1,2,4,5 |
|  | E) | 2,3,4,5 |
23 |  |  Fibrocartilage is found |
|  | A) | in the cartilage of the trachea. |
|  | B) | in the rib cage. |
|  | C) | in the external ear. |
|  | D) | on the surface of bones in moveable joints. |
|  | E) | between vertebrae. |
24 |  |  A tissue in which cells are located in lacunae surrounded by a hard matrix of hydroxyapatite is |
|  | A) | hyaline cartilage. |
|  | B) | bone. |
|  | C) | nervous tissue. |
|  | D) | dense regular collagenous connective tissue. |
|  | E) | fibrocartilage. |
25 |  |  Which of these characteristics apply to smooth muscle? |
|  | A) | striated, involuntary |
|  | B) | striated, voluntary |
|  | C) | unstriated, involuntary |
|  | D) | unstriated, voluntary |
26 |  |  Which of these statements about nervous tissue is not true? |
|  | A) | Neurons have cytoplasmic extensions called axons. |
|  | B) | Electric signals (action potentials) are conducted along axons. |
|  | C) | Bipolar neurons have two axons. |
|  | D) | Neurons are nourished and protected by neuroglia. |
|  | E) | Dendrites receive electric signals and conduct them toward the cell body. |
27 |  |  Linings of the digestive, respiratory, excretory, and reproductive passages are composed of |
|  | A) | serous membranes. |
|  | B) | mucous membranes. |
|  | C) | mesothelium. |
|  | D) | synovial membranes. |
|  | E) | endothelium. |
28 |  |  Chemical mediators of inflammation |
|  | A) | cause blood vessels to constrict. |
|  | B) | decrease the permeability of blood vessels. |
|  | C) | initiate processes that lead to edema. |
|  | D) | help to prevent clotting. |
|  | E) | decrease pain. |
29 |  |  Which of these types of cells are labile? |
|  | A) | neurons |
|  | B) | skin |
|  | C) | liver |
|  | D) | pancreas |
30 |  |  Permanent cells |
|  | A) | divide and replace damaged cells in replacement tissue repair. |
|  | B) | form granulation tissue. |
|  | C) | are responsible for removing scar tissue. |
|  | D) | are usually replaced by a different cell type if they are destroyed. |
|  | E) | are replaced during regeneration tissue repair. |