The Physics of Everyday Phenomena: A Conceptual Introduction to Physics, 4/e
Thomas Griffith
ISBN: 0072509775 Copyright year: 2004
About the Author
About the Author
Dr. W. Tom Griffith
Distinguished University Professor (1967)
B.A., John Hopkins University, 1962
M.S., University of New Mexico, 1964
Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1967
Pacific University
Department of Physics
Dr. Tom Griffith has been an active member of the Department of Physics at Pacific for over 30 years. His specialties are solid state physics and optics, but he has taught the full range of course that the department offers. He is the author of a nationally used textbook, Physics of Everyday Phenomena, designed for non-science majors and published by McGraw-Hill / Wm. C. Brown. (See textbook.) Tom's research interests include crystal growth kinetics, holography, physics teaching research, and the cognitive aspects of handedness. (See research interests.) He currently teaches in both the physics department and the College of Optometry, where he teaches the beginning optics courses. He has also worked extensively with Admissions and Financial Aid over the years, and served as Dean of Enrollment in 1998-99. He has chaired both the Department of Physics and the Division of Natural Sciences at various times. Tom's other interests include hiking, singing, playing the guitar, and performing in college and community theatre productions. His guitar sometimes shows up in class for wave-harmonics demonstrations and a song or two.
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