Konrad B. Krauskopf,
Late Prof. Emeritus of Geochemistry, Stanford Unv. Arthur Beiser
ISBN: 0072509791 Copyright year: 2006
Feature Summary
The Learning System
A variety of aids are provided in The Physical Universe to help the reader master the text.Chapter Outline. A preview of major topics is included on the opening page of each chapter, showing at a glance what the chapter covers.Bringing Science to Life Worked Examples. A full grasp of physical and chemical ideas includes an ability to solve problems based on these ideas. Some students, although able to follow the discussions in the book, nevertheless may have trouble putting their knowledge to use in this way. To help them, detailed solutions of typical problems are provided that show how to apply formulas and equations to real-world situations. Besides the worked examples, outline solutions for half the end-of-chapter problems are given at the end of the text, for a total of nearly 200 model solutions. Thinking through these solutions should bring the unsolved even-numbered problems within reach. Besides its role in reinforcing the understanding of physical and chemical ideas, solving problems can provide great pleasure, and it would be a shame to miss out on this pleasure.Biographies. Brief biographies of 40 major figures in the development of the physical sciences appear where appropriate throughout the text. The biographies provide human and historical perspectives by attaching faces and stories to milestones in these sciences.Sidebars. These are brief accounts of topics related to the main text. A sidebar may provide additional information on a particular subject, comment on its significance, describe its applications, consider its historical background, or present recent findings. At Work Essays. Four young scientists who have carried out important research in their respective fields have contributed accounts of how their days at work are spent. The enthusiasm and dedication they bring to their probes of the physical universe show clearly in these essays. End of Chapter Features Important Terms and Ideas. Important terms introduced in the chapter are listed together with their meanings, which serves as a chapter summary. A list of the Important Formulas needed to solve problems based on the chapter material is also given where appropriate.
There are a variety of exercises, questions, and problems on all levels of difficulty following each chapter. They are of three kinds: Multiple Choice Exercises. On average chapter has 38 multiple-choice exercises (with answers) that act as a quick, painless check on understanding. Correct answers provide reinforcement and encouragement; incorrect ones identify areas of weakness.Questions. Some of the questions are meant to find out how well the reader has understood the chapter material. Others ask the reader to apply what he or she has learned to new situations. Answers to the odd-numbered questions are given at the back of the book.Problems. The physics and chemistry chapters include problems that range from quite easy to moderately challenging. The ability to work out such problems signifies a real understanding of these subjects. Outline solutions (not just answers) for the odd-numbered problems are given at the back of the book.
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