1 |  |  An airplane flying at 35,000 feet is above what percent of the earth's atmosphere? |
|  | A) | 50% |
|  | B) | 75% |
|  | C) | 90% |
|  | D) | 99% |
2 |  |  Normal atmospheric pressure is enough to support a column of mercury approximately |
|  | A) | 29.9 cm high. |
|  | B) | 76.0 cm high. |
|  | C) | 101 cm high. |
|  | D) | 760 cm high. |
3 |  |  Your ears "pop" when an unpressurized plane climbs higher because |
|  | A) | air is moving from the outside into your eardrum. |
|  | B) | air is moving from your eardrum to the outside. |
|  | C) | the air pressure in the plane decreases. |
|  | D) | the fluid in your Eustachian tubes exerts pressure on your eardrums. |
4 |  |  Nearly 1400 watts/meter2 of solar energy reaches the outermost atmosphere of the earth. What fraction of this energy on average actually reaches the surface? |
|  | A) | 20% |
|  | B) | 33% |
|  | C) | 50% |
|  | D) | 67% |
5 |  |  The majority of the sun's radiation output occurs as |
|  | A) | yellow light. |
|  | B) | ultraviolet light. |
|  | C) | infrared radiation. |
|  | D) | gamma radiation. |
6 |  |  The greenhouse effect results in warmer temperatures near the surface because |
|  | A) | clouds trap infrared radiation near the surface. |
|  | B) | some of the energy that would ordinarily escape is re-radiated toward the surface. |
|  | C) | carbon dioxide and water vapor trap infrared radiation. |
|  | D) | carbon dioxide molecules do not permit radiation to escape. |
7 |  |  The interaction between ultraviolet light and ozone that protects life on the surface takes place in the |
|  | A) | troposphere. |
|  | B) | stratosphere. |
|  | C) | exosphere. |
|  | D) | ozonosphere. |
8 |  |  On a clear, calm night, you would expect the air in the bottom of a valley to be |
|  | A) | cooler than that on a hillside. |
|  | B) | warmer than the air on a hillside. |
|  | C) | less dense than that in surrounding areas. |
|  | D) | the same temperature as that in surrounding areas. |
9 |  |  Hot air rising from the equatorial regions eventually cools and descends to form |
|  | A) | a belt of moist, low-pressure air. |
|  | B) | a belt of dry, high-pressure air. |
|  | C) | the jet stream. |
|  | D) | a Chinook. |
10 |  |  How does the average amount of water that returns to the oceans by precipitation compare to the water that leaves by evaporation? |
|  | A) | Evaporation is greater than precipitation. |
|  | B) | Precipitation and evaporation are equal. |
|  | C) | Precipitation is greater than evaporation. |
|  | D) | There is no pattern that can be generalized. |
11 |  |  Which of the following is not considered to be a form of precipitation? |
|  | A) | rain |
|  | B) | dew |
|  | C) | snow |
|  | D) | hail |
12 |  |  When water vapor in the atmosphere condenses to liquid water, |
|  | A) | dew falls to the ground. |
|  | B) | it rains or snows |
|  | C) | a cloud forms. |
|  | D) | all of these are correct. |
13 |  |  Which cloud type is usually associated with the arrival of a cold front? |
|  | A) | high, thin cirrus |
|  | B) | towering cumulus |
|  | C) | low stratus |
|  | D) | any of these |
14 |  |  A warm front forms when |
|  | A) | a cold air mass displaces warmer air. |
|  | B) | masses of cold air and warm air move past one another in opposite directions. |
|  | C) | the suns warms a stationary cold air mass. |
|  | D) | a warm air mass advances over a mass of cooler air. |
15 |  |  A cyclone is centered about a |
|  | A) | region of low pressure. |
|  | B) | region of high pressure. |
|  | C) | cold front. |
|  | D) | occluded front. |
16 |  |  Longer periods of drizzle, rain or snow are usually associated with which cloud type? |
|  | A) | stratus |
|  | B) | cumulus |
|  | C) | cirrus |
|  | D) | None of these are correct. |
17 |  |  A condition that lifts a parcel of air to form cumulus clouds is |
|  | A) | differential heating. |
|  | B) | mountain barriers. |
|  | C) | a cold front. |
|  | D) | any of these. |
18 |  |  Brief periods of showers are usually associated with which cloud type? |
|  | A) | stratus |
|  | B) | cumulus |
|  | C) | cirrus |
|  | D) | None of these. |
19 |  |  Most of the great deserts in the world are located |
|  | A) | near the equator. |
|  | B) | 30° north or south latitude. |
|  | C) | 60° north or south latitude. |
|  | D) | deserts can be found at any latitude. |
20 |  |  Of the total water supply, the amount that is available for human consumption and agriculture is |
|  | A) | less than 1%. |
|  | B) | about 3%. |
|  | C) | about 50%. |
|  | D) | over 97%. |
21 |  |  Compared to the amount of surface water the amount of water stored in groundwater is |
|  | A) | 1/10 as great. |
|  | B) | roughly equal. |
|  | C) | about 5 times as great. |
|  | D) | roughly 30 times as great. |
22 |  |  The average daily water use in the United States amounts to about how many liters per day? |
|  | A) | 150 |
|  | B) | 570 |
|  | C) | 1,500 |
|  | D) | 5,700 |
23 |  |  A watershed is |
|  | A) | a layer of permeable material capable of storing groundwater. |
|  | B) | the land area drained by a stream. |
|  | C) | the amount of precipitation released by a rainstorm. |
|  | D) | the amount of water stored in the ground and in reservoirs. |
24 |  |  A layer of heavy clay after a rain would be |
|  | A) | highly porous and permeable. |
|  | B) | quite porous, but not very permeable. |
|  | C) | not very porous, but quite permeable. |
|  | D) | neither porous nor permeable. |
25 |  |  The Gulf of Mexico is a shallow sea of the |
|  | A) | Atlantic Ocean. |
|  | B) | Indian Ocean. |
|  | C) | Pacific Ocean. |
|  | D) | South American Ocean. |
26 |  |  The two most common ions in seawater are sodium and |
|  | A) | calcium. |
|  | B) | carbonate. |
|  | C) | magnesium. |
|  | D) | chlorine. |
27 |  |  The average salinity of the earth's oceans is about |
|  | A) | 0.35%. |
|  | B) | 3.5%. |
|  | C) | 35%. |
|  | D) | none of these |
28 |  |  The characteristics of ocean waves are influenced by |
|  | A) | wind speed. |
|  | B) | length of time the wind blows. |
|  | C) | the fetch. |
|  | D) | all of these. |
29 |  |  A current that moves parallel to the shore in the surf zone is called a |
|  | A) | rip current. |
|  | B) | longshore current. |
|  | C) | undertow. |
|  | D) | turbidity current. |