|  Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers and Communications, 5/e Brian K. Williams Stacey Sawyer
What's New- Radical Redesign of Supplements: The Supplement Package has been completely revised based on the three-level learning model. The Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoint presentations have been significantly upgraded, with new forms of enrichment not available in previous editions. Please see the supplements section for a description of the package components.
- Information in Real-Time: "Click-Along" icon found in text margin links students to the textbook website where they can find up-to-date, pertinent content for further learning reinforcement. This will appeal to students who like to "multitask" (i.e., do other tasks while studying). Click-Alongs offer updates, elaboration, recent examples, and practical advice.
- Survival Tips: "Post-It"-like Survival Tips in the margin offer practical advice and aid student explorations of the infotech world.
- Prominent 3-Level System: Helps students think critically about Information Technology: The end-of-chapter Chapter Review has been significantly revised to better implement the 3-stage pedagogical approach (based on 'Bloom's Taxonomy") to help students take ownership of material. The 3 stages include:
o Stage 1 Learning Memorization: Review of key terms and facts
o Stage 2 Learning Comprehension: Review of concepts
o Stage 3 Learning Applying, Analyzing, Synthesizing, Evaluating: Critical thinking exercises and projectsand projects
- New and Different Internet Exercises: Additional Stage 3 learning activities have been created as interesting Internet activities.