Determine whether each of the statements below is true or false.
1 |  |  All materials used by humankind are ultimately derived from geological processes.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
2 |  |  A rudimentary knowledge of geological processes can be useful in your life.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
3 |  |  Earth is the only planet on which geological processes occur.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
4 |  |  Geologists only care about extracting natural resources from the Earth.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
5 |  |  Geologists are employed in a broad spectrum of professional fields.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
6 |  |  Geology is the only natural science field that is concerned with environmental processes on geologic time scales.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
7 |  |  Geologists understand how earthquakes are generated, but cannot predict when they will occur.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
8 |  |  Geologists understand how volcanoes erupt, but cannot predict when they will erupt.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
9 |  |  All geologists are in favor of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
10 |  |  Geologists are concerned with conservation of natural resources.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
11 |  |  Among professionals in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Geology, geologists are the lowest paid.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
12 |  |  Earth's continents are constantly in motion.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
13 |  |  When geologists speak of the "lithosphere," they really mean "crust."
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
14 |  |  Earth's inner core is molten.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
15 |  |  Large damaging earthquakes may occur anywhere on Earth at any time without warning.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
16 |  |  Volcanic activity is common at divergent plate boundaries.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
17 |  |  Volcanic activity is common at convergent plate boundaries.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
18 |  |  Volcanic activity is common at transform plate boundaries.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
19 |  |  Earth has changed very little since its formation 4.5 billion years ago.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
20 |  |  Most geologists grow beards, wear hiking boots, blue jeans, and flannel shirts, and carry rock hammers.
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |