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Physical Geology Chapter 10 Internet Exercise

Visit the "Surf Your Watershed" website maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

1. Once at the site, use the "Locate Your Watershed" link to find information about your local area and the water resource issues there.

2. Enter the name of your city or other community in the search box and hit the "Enter" key on your computer. In a few moments, a listing of relevant online data resources will appear. Use some of these resources to complete the steps below:

a. What is your watershed?

b. Where is it located?

c. What major rivers/streams pass through?

d. Who is downstream from you?

e. What other websites carry information about your watershed?

f. Where does your watershed fall in the Index of Watershed Indicators?

g. What is the Index of Watershed Indicators? Describe the parameters used to define the IWI.

h. Are there active community groups working in your watershed? Who are they? What do they do?

i. Are there significant threats to water quality in your watershed resulting from agriculture? Development? Industry? Population growth? Recreational acivities (such as boating)?

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