Chapter Overview
This chapter will help you understand the nature and origin of earthquakes. We discuss the seismic waves created by earthquakes and how the quakes are measured and located by studying these waves. We also describe some effects of earthquakes, such as ground motion and displacement, damage to buildings, and quake-caused fires, landslides, and seismic sea waves (tsunamis).
Earthquakes commonly affect other parts of the Earth system. Intense shaking associated with an earthquake can not only cause tremendous damage and loss of life, but can also trigger landslides that may disperse pathogenic microbes into the atmosphere and cause additional human health concerns. Such was the case after the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. Another effect on the biosphere may be the unusual behavior of animals just before an earthquake as reported by Chinese scientists. Ground breakage associated with earthquakes may affect the hydrosphere by creating new lakes (sag ponds), increasing groundwater flow from springs, and displacing stream channels. Tsunamis generated by submarine earthquakes may cause tremendous damage to the coastal environment.
Earthquakes are largely confined to a few narrow belts on Earth. This distribution was once puzzling to geologists, but here we show how the concept of plate tectonics neatly explains it.
As geologists learn more about earthquake behavior, there is the possibility that we will be able to forecast earthquakes. We conclude the chapter with a look at this developing branch of study.
Learning Objectives 1. Earthquakes are the sudden release of strain energy, usually along faults,
but also associated with volcanism and mineral transformations. Elastic rebound
theory accounts for this stored strain, but a weak-fault model, involving
small stress has been suggested for some earthquakes, and not all earthquakes
are associated with faults. 2. Earthquakes produce seismic waves. Body waves originate at the focus,
the point of initial movement along a fault. Surface waves originate from
the epicenter, point on earth's surface directly above the focus. P waves
are compressional body waves vibrating parallel to wave propagation that arrive
first at a recording station. S waves are transverse body waves that vibrate
perpendicular to wave propagation and arrive after P waves. P waves pass through
fluids, but S waves do not. Surface waves are slowest, but cause the most
damage. They include Love waves (vibrate perpendicular to propagation) and
Rayleigh waves (cause ground to move in elliptical path).
3. Seismometers detect seismic waves by measuring ground motion. Seismograms
are the records of earth motions produced by seismographs, that are recording
seismometers. 4. Difference in arrival times of P and S waves at a seismograph tell its
distance from the earthquake focus, using a travel-time curve. Location of
the epicenter requires three stations to triangulate their distances from
the focus. Depth of focus can be determined by analyses of seismograms: shallow< 70 km, intermediate 70-350 km, deep 350-670 km. Earthquakes do not occur
below 670 km, and shallow focus account for 85% of the total earthquake energy
released. 5. Earthquake strength is measured by either intensity (damage) or magnitude
(energy released). The modified Mercalli scale expresses intensities in Roman
numerals (I-XII). The Richter scale determines magnitude by measuring the
height of a particular wave on a seismogram. Recorded Richter magnitudes range
from a little more than 0 to 8.6. It is logarithmic so that a difference of
one on the scale is 10 times the ground vibration and 32 times the energy
released. Moment magnitude, determined by rock strength, surface area of rupture,
and amount of rock displacement along a fault in the field, is a new method
of calculating magnitude, and is more accurate for magnitudes of 7 or greater.
Moment magnitudes can exceed 9.0, the theoretical limit for the Richter scale. 6. Most earthquakes in the United State occur in the Rocky Mountain region
because it is a converging plate boundary. Historic earthquakes east of the
Rockies occur along old diverging plate boundaries and aulacogens. They have
had Richter magnitudes of 5.0-6.0 (Adirondack Mountains, New York; Lawrenceville,
Kansas, Quebec City, Canada), and Mercalli intensities of VIII-XI (St. Lawrence
River Valley, Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina). The most widely felt
earthquakes (intensity XII) ever to strike the United States occurred at New
Madrid, Missouri, 1811-1812. A seismic risk map is illustrated as Fig. 16.13. 7. Earthquake damage is caused by ground motion that topples buildings, produces
fires (broken gas mains), landslides, liquefaction, permanent land displacement,
and tsunamis (seismic sea waves). Foreshocks and aftershocks precede and follow
the main earthquake and they can cause destruction as well. 8. Vertical motion of the sea floor is most conducive to tsunami formation
and most are associated with subduction zones. Tsunami wavelengths can reach 160
kilometers with speeds of 725 kilometers per hour. A breaking tsunami can
reach 30 meters. Devastating tsunami have struck Hawaii, California, Alaska,
New Guinea, and Japan. An Early Warning System was developed after the 1946,
Hilo, Hawaii, tsunami to minimize loss of life around the Pacific coast. 9. Most earthquakes are concentrated in the circum-Pacific belt, which produces
100% of deep focus, 90% of intermediate focus, and 80% of shallow focus earthquakes.
The Mediterranean-Himalayan belt is the second major concentration of earthquakes.
Benioff earthquake zones begin at ocean trenches and slope and deepen toward
island arcs and continents. Benioff zones account for the world's deep and
intermediate focus earthquakes. 10. First-motion studies determine whether the fault producing the earthquake
was undergoing tension or compression. 11. Plate boundaries are identified and defined by earthquakes. Diverging
plate boundaries produce rift valleys from normal faulting indicated by first-motion
studies. First motion studies indicate that transform boundaries experience
shallow strike-slip motion. Converging boundaries are marked by either continental
collision, or subduction. A subducting plate initially undergoes tension at
a trench as it is bent, but may experience either tension or compression as
it descends into mantle based on first-motion studies. Subduction angles vary
from gentle to steep, and plates may even break-up at depth. Deepest earthquakes
may be caused by mineral transformations or dehydration. 12. A variety of observations have been used to predict earthquakes: microseisms
and changes in rock properties, such as magnetism, change in water levels
in wells, radon emission, changes in geyser eruption intervals, surface tilting
and elevation change, animal behavior and foreshocks. Most prediction is based
currently on seismic history and identification of seismic gaps, areas quiet
for long periods of time. Box 16.2 provides a detailed discussion of the analysis
of seismic gaps associated with the San Andreas system. 13. Timed release of stored strain along faults could potentially allow the
control of earthquakes. Lubricating the fault with water is one method to
release small, timed earthquakes rather than a large unpredicted one.
Related Readings Bolt, B. A. 1999. Earthquakes. 4th ed. New York:
W. H. Freeman. Canby, T. Y. 1990. California Earthquake - Prelude to
the Big One? National Geographic 177, no. 5:76-105. Davidson, K. 1994. Predicting Earthquakes: Can it be
Done? Earth 3, no. 3:56-63. Frohlich, C. 1989. Deep Earthquakes. Scientific American
260(1): 48-55. Johnston, A. C., and L. R. Kanter. 1990. Earthquakes
in Stable Continental Crust. Scientific American 262(3): 68-75.
Keller, E. A., and N. Pinter. 1996. Active Tectonics:
Earthquakes, Uplift, and Landscape. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall. Kovach, R. L. 1995. Earth's Fury - An Introduction to
Natural Hazards and Disasters. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Lomnitz, C. 1994. Fundamentals of Earthquake Prediction.
New York: John Wiley and Sons. Nuhfer, E. B., R. J. Proctor, and P. H. Moser.
1993. The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards. Arvada, CO:
American Institute of Professional Geologists. Pakiser, L. C. 1991. Earthquakes. Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office. Penick, J. L., Jr. 1981. The New Madrid Earthquakes.
2d ed. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press. Stein, R. S., and R. S. Yeats. 1989. Hidden Earthquakes.
Scientific American 260(6): 48-57. U.S. Geological Survey, 1965-70. The Alaska Earthquake.
Professional Papers 541-546. U.S. Geological Survey, 1971. The San Fernando, California,
Earthquake of February 9, 1971. Professional Paper 733. Answers to EOC Questions Following are answers to the End of Chapter Questions for Chapter 16: 12.c, 13.a, 14.a, 15.c, 16.b, 17.d, 18.a, 19.c, 20.a, 21.b, 22.b
Boxed Readings
This chapter contains the following boxed readings:Environmental Geology
Box 16.3: Waiting for the Big One in CaliforniaIn Greater Depth
Box 16.1: Earthquake EngineeringOther
Box 16.2: Earthquake: What To Do Before, During and After an Earthquake |