For each question below, choose the letter corresponding to the BEST answer.
1 |  |  A surface separating different types of rocks is called:
|  | A) | a chill zone. |
|  | B) | a xenolith. |
|  | C) | a contact. |
|  | D) | none of the above |
2 |  |  The major difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks is:
|  | A) | the type of minerals they contain. |
|  | B) | where they solidify. |
|  | C) | their chemical composition. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
3 |  |  Which is not an intrusive rock type?
|  | A) | andesite |
|  | B) | granite |
|  | C) | diorite |
|  | D) | gabbro |
4 |  |  By definition, stocks differ from batholiths in:
|  | A) | elevation above sea-level. |
|  | B) | chemical composition. |
|  | C) | shape. |
|  | D) | size. |
5 |  |  On average, the geothermal gradient is about:
|  | A) | 50 degrees Celsius per kilometer. |
|  | B) | 30 degrees Celsius per kilometer. |
|  | C) | 10 degrees Celsius per kilometer. |
|  | D) | 1 degree Celsius per kilometer. |
6 |  |  Which of the following minerals is part of Bowen's Continuous Series?
|  | A) | plagioclase. |
|  | B) | amphibole. |
|  | C) | biotite. |
|  | D) | pyroxene. |
7 |  |  Which of the following minerals is part of Bowen's Discontinuous Series?
|  | A) | olivine |
|  | B) | biotite |
|  | C) | pyroxene |
|  | D) | All of these are part of Bowen's Discontinuous Series. |
8 |  |  The difference in texture between plutonic and volcanic rocks is caused by:
|  | A) | different chemical compositions. |
|  | B) | different amounts of water in the magma. |
|  | C) | different rates of cooling and crystallization. |
|  | D) | different mineralogy. |
9 |  |  A change in magma composition due to melting of surrounding country rock is called:
|  | A) | differentiation. |
|  | B) | crystal settling. |
|  | C) | assimilation. |
|  | D) | magma mixing. |
10 |  |  Andesite is most often associated with what type of plate boundary?
|  | A) | reversible plate boundaries |
|  | B) | convergent plate boundaries |
|  | C) | transform plate boundaries |
|  | D) | divergent plate boundaries |
11 |  |  You discover a rock with minerals large enough to be seen containing amphibole, biotite, and plagioclase. This is:
|  | A) | hornblende. |
|  | B) | granite. |
|  | C) | gabbro. |
|  | D) | diorite. |
12 |  |  Bowen’s Reaction Series illustrates relations between:
|  | A) | temperature, pressure, and viscosity. |
|  | B) | viscosity, temperature, silica content, and volatile content. |
|  | C) | temperature, chemical composition, and mineral structure. |
|  | D) | temperature, viscosity, and mineral composition. |
13 |  |  The two important criteria used for igneous rock classification are:
|  | A) | texture and mineral composition. |
|  | B) | temperature and viscosity. |
|  | C) | mineral composition and temperature. |
|  | D) | texture and temperature. |
14 |  |  Basalt and gabbro:
|  | A) | formed from magma with the same silica content. |
|  | B) | formed from magma with the same temperature. |
|  | C) | have the same minerals. |
|  | D) | all of these |
15 |  |  A rock with mineral crystals too small to be seen and low temperature minerals is:
|  | A) | granite. |
|  | B) | andesite. |
|  | C) | rhyolite. |
|  | D) | gabbro. |
16 |  |  Igneous rocks that form entirely beneath Earth's surface are said to be:
|  | A) | platonic. |
|  | B) | plutonic |
|  | C) | extrusive. |
|  | D) | volcanic. |
17 |  |  Andesite was named for a rock type commonly found:
|  | A) | in Mayberry, North Carolina. |
|  | B) | in the Andes Mountains. |
|  | C) | in Hawaii. |
|  | D) | in the Rocky Mountains. |
18 |  |  Igneous processes are those which relate to:
|  | A) | solidification of magma. |
|  | B) | formation of magma. |
|  | C) | melting of rocks. |
|  | D) | all of these |
19 |  |  The geothermal gradient of the asthenosphere is:
|  | A) | always changing as a result of plate tectonics. |
|  | B) | the reverse of the geothermal gradient in the lithosphere. |
|  | C) | about 1 degree per kilometer. |
|  | D) | the same as the temperature structure of the lithosphere. |
20 |  |  Volcanic rocks are also:
|  | A) | Explosive. |
|  | B) | Extrusive. |
|  | C) | Plutonic. |
|  | D) | Intrusive. |