For each question below, choose the letter corresponding to the BEST answer.
1 |  |  Foliation is:
|  | A) | layering of igneous rocks. |
|  | B) | an alignment of mineral grains in a metamorphic rock. |
|  | C) | alignment of any kind observed in any kind of rocks. |
|  | D) | layering observed in sedimentary rocks. |
2 |  |  Foliated metamorphic rocks are never:
|  | A) | low grade. |
|  | B) | caused by contact with magma. |
|  | C) | high-grade. |
|  | D) | foliated. |
3 |  |  Shearing is a type of:
|  | A) | confining pressure. |
|  | B) | differential stress. |
|  | C) | lithostatic pressure. |
|  | D) | compressive stress. |
4 |  |  Metamorphic rocks with a planar texture (minerals are aligned within the rock) are:
|  | A) | concordant. |
|  | B) | foliated. |
|  | C) | layered. |
|  | D) | striated. |
5 |  |  Metamorphic rocks are classified primarily according to:
|  | A) | hardness. |
|  | B) | environment of deposition. |
|  | C) | chemical composition. |
|  | D) | texture - the presence/absence of foliation. |
6 |  |  Which of the following is a non-foliated metamorphic rock?
|  | A) | phyllite |
|  | B) | quartzite |
|  | C) | slate |
|  | D) | gneiss |
7 |  |  The major difference between metamorphism and metasomatism is:
|  | A) | metasomatism is metamorphism with the introduction of additional ions from an external source. |
|  | B) | the area or region involved. |
|  | C) | the minerals that are affected. |
|  | D) | the temperature at which each occurs. |
8 |  |  Ore bodies at divergent plate margins can be formed by:
|  | A) | hydrothermal processes. |
|  | B) | regional metamorphism. |
|  | C) | contact metamorphism. |
|  | D) | none of these |
9 |  |  Metamorphic rocks with the same mineral assemblage belong to the same:
|  | A) | metamorphic history. |
|  | B) | metamorphic rock. |
|  | C) | metamorphic facies. |
|  | D) | all of these |
10 |  |  A metamorphic rock that has undergone partial melting to produce a hybrid metamorphic-igneous rock is called:
|  | A) | schist. |
|  | B) | migmatite. |
|  | C) | hornfels. |
|  | D) | gneiss. |
11 |  |  Which of the following lists is arranged in order from highest to lowest grade of metamorphic rock?
|  | A) | slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss |
|  | B) | slate, gneiss, phyllite, schist |
|  | C) | gneiss, schist, phyllite, slate |
|  | D) | gneiss, slate, schist, phyllite |
12 |  |  Regional metamorphism is associated with:
|  | A) | all plate boundaries. |
|  | B) | convergent plate boundaries. |
|  | C) | transform plate boundaries. |
|  | D) | divergent plate boundaries. |
13 |  |  The generally accepted temperature limits for metamorphism are:
|  | A) | 200 degrees Celsius to rock melting. |
|  | B) | metamorphism is limited by pressure, not temperature. |
|  | C) | there are no temperature limits to metamorphism because it is a continuum. |
|  | D) | metamorphism occurs at all temperatures. |
14 |  |  The principal agents of metamorphism are:
|  | A) | Sean Connery and Roger Moore. |
|  | B) | confining pressure and directed stress. |
|  | C) | heat and magma. |
|  | D) | heat and pressure. |
15 |  |  When rocks are metamorphosed, the mineral components of the rock are:
|  | A) | ugly first, then beautiful. |
|  | B) | melted first, then crystallized again to form a new rock. |
|  | C) | shattered by mechanical processes. |
|  | D) | transformed in the solid state. |
16 |  |  Contact metamorphism results whenever:
|  | A) | magma is in contact with other rocks. |
|  | B) | lithospheric plates are in contact. |
|  | C) | an earthquake occurs. |
|  | D) | rocks are buried deeply beneath the crust. |
17 |  |  Regional metamorphism:
|  | A) | is occurring as you read this question. |
|  | B) | produces foliated metamorphic rocks. |
|  | C) | produces metamorphic rocks over large areas. |
|  | D) | all of these |
18 |  |  Slate is a metamorphic rock type associated with:
|  | A) | high pressure, high temperature conditions. |
|  | B) | low pressure, low temperature conditions. |
|  | C) | low pressure, high temperature conditions. |
|  | D) | low temperature, high pressure conditions. |
19 |  |  Gneiss is a metamorphic rock associated with:
|  | A) | low temperature, high pressure conditions. |
|  | B) | low temperature, low pressure conditions. |
|  | C) | high temperature, low pressure conditions. |
|  | D) | high temperature, high pressuer conditions. |
20 |  |  Metamorphism of limestone may contribute to global warming by the release of:
|  | A) | nitrous oxide. |
|  | B) | carbon dioxide. |
|  | C) | sulfuric acid. |
|  | D) | oxygen. |