Environmental Science
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Environmental Science, 10/e

Eldon D. Enger, Delta College
Bradley F. Smith, Western Washington University

ISBN: 007252829x
Copyright year: 2006



Digital Content Manager (DCM) CD-ROM
This indispensable supplement is a set of digital visual resources that offers instructors the freedom to use any piece of line art, photo, or table from the textbook, along with a number of additional resources (over 100 animations and hundreds of new photos not printed in the text), to customize classroom presentations.

Instructor’s Testing and Resource CD-ROM
This cross-platform CD-ROM provides a computerized test bank utilizing software to quickly create customized exams. The user-friendly program allows instructors to sort questions by format; edit existing questions or add new ones; and scramble questions for multiple versions of the same test.

A set of 100 transparencies is available to users of the text. These acetates include key figures from the text, including new art from this edition.

Online Learning Center (
This comprehensive website offers numerous resources for both students and instructors.

Student Resources - Everything you need in one place:
    • Practice quizzing
    • Additional readings
    • Study tools
    • Guide to electronic research
    • Regional perspectives (case studies)
    • Animations
    • Career information
    • How to contact your government officials
    • Access Science (offers the advantage of an online, interactive encyclopedia)
Instructor Resources - In addition to all of the above, you’ll receive:
    • Answers to review questions
    • Class activities
    • Questions for e-Instruction
    • Interactive world maps
    • PageOut (create your own course website)

McGraw-Hill offers packaging opportunities that not only provide students with valuable course-related material, but also a substantial cost savings. Instructors, ask your McGraw-Hill sales representative for information on discounts and special ISBNs for ordering a package that contains one or more of the following:

Field and Laboratory Activities Manual by Enger and Smith
This lab manual provides hands-on exercises that are relevant, easy to understand, and applicable to students’ lives. The experiments are designed to be concise, unique, inexpensive, and easily tailored to any course.

New! Exploring Environmental Science with GIS by Stewart et al
This short book provides a set of exercises aimed at students and instructors who are new to GIS, but are familiar with the Windows operating system. The exercises focus on improving analytical skills, understanding spatial relationships, and understanding the nature and structure of environmental data. Because the software used is distributed free of charge, this text is appropriate for courses and schools that are not yet ready to commit to the expense and time involved in acquiring other GIS packages.

Annual Editions: Environment by Allen
This small text is a compilation of current articles that explore the global environment, the world's population, energy, the biosphere, natural resources, and pollution.

Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental Issues by Goldfarb
This represents the arguments of leading environmentalists, scientists, and policymakers. The issues reflect a variety of viewpoints and are staged as "pro" and "con" debates. Topics are organized around four core areas: general philosophical and political issues, the environment and technology, disposing of wastes, and the environment and the future.

Sources: Notable Selections in Environmental Studies, 2/e by Goldfarb
This volume brings together primary source selections of enduring intellectual value--classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies--that have shaped environmental studies and our contemporary understanding of it. The book includes carefully edited selections for the works of the most distinguished environmental observers, past and present. Selections are organized topically around the following major areas of study: energy, environmental degradation, population issues and the environment, human health and the environment, and environment and society.

Student Atlas of Environmental Issues by Allen
The Student Atlas of Environmental Issues is an invaluable pedagogical tool for exploring the human impact on the air, waters, biosphere, and land in every major world region. This informative resource provides a unique combination of maps and data helping students understand the dimensions of the world's environmental problems and the geographical basis of these problems.

Interactive World Issues CD-ROM
This CD explores environmental issues that affect various geographic regions. For example, you’ll visit Oregon and investigate water rights of the Columbia River. Listen to Native Americans whose living depends on salmon fishing and then to the farmers who need water to irrigate their crops. Additional case studies discuss migration in Mexico, apartheid in South Africa, population issues in China, and farming in urban Chicago.

You Can Make a Difference: Be Environmentally Responsible, 2/e by Getis
This book is organized around the three parts of the biosphere: land, water, and air. Each section contains descriptions of the environmental problems associated with that part of the biosphere. Immediately following each problem or "challenge" are suggested ways that individuals can help solve or alleviate them. This book has been written to provide the reader with some easy and practical ways to protect the Earth and to help understand why the task is so important.


Did you know that you can design your own text or laboratory manual using any McGraw-Hill text and your personal materials to create a custom product that correlates specifically to your syllabus and course goals? Talk to your McGraw-Hill sales representative about this creative option.

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.