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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University

Validity and Reliability

Multiple Choice Quiz


Which of the following statements most likely involves using data in a way that is not valid?
A)University data indicate that the highest paid professors have the most publications.
B)Students who can type more than 80 words per minute will receive a typing award.
C)All of the teachers interviewed described the principal as "outstanding."
D)The English teacher does not assign students a grade less than "B."

Which of the following is content-related evidence of validity?
A)Test items are at an appropriate reading level.
B)Observed participant characteristics are consistent with responses on a scale.
C)Scores obtained on two administrations of the instrument are consistent.
D)Scores are correlated with scores obtained on another instrument.

The best construct-related evidence of validity comes from
A)a series of studies of the instrument.
B)a validity coefficient that is near 0.
C)careful review of the instrument by experts.
D)data-based predictions that prove to be correct.

Which of the following statements accurately portrays the relationship of reliability to validity?
A)Inferences must be valid before the scores can be reliable.
B)Scores must be reliable before inferences can be valid.
C)The more valid the inference is, the higher the reliability of the score must be.
D)Score reliability is not related to inference validity.

Which of the following is most likely to be the alternate forms reliability coefficient for a well-established standardized test?

The method for checking reliability that should not be used when measuring an unstable construct is
A)the test-retest method.
B)the equivalent forms method.
C)the internal-consistency method.
D)finding the level of scoring agreement of multiple observers.

An expectancy table is shown below.
Observer's behavior ratingDisciplinary Action is Taken
What numbers put in place of "A," "B," and "C" would provide the best criterion-related evidence of validity?
A)A = 62, B = 2, C = 8
B)A = 71, B = 49, C = 38
C)A = 4, B = 3, C = 8
D)A = 1, B = 6, C = 51

What are the two forms of criterion-related validity?
A)correlational and content
B)predictive and correlational
C)predictive and concurrent
D)criterion and predictive

To obtain evidence of predictive validity a researcher will have to
A)consult another researcher.
B)review all of the instruments.
C)gather instrument data and criterion data at nearly the same time.
D)allow a time interval to elapse between administration of the instrument and obtaining the criterion scores.

A researcher administers a history aptitude test to a group of middle school students and later compares their test scores with their end-of-the-semester grade in history. This is an example of obtaining evidence of
A)predictive validity.
B)concurrent validity.
C)content related evidence of validity.

Which of the following is not one of the three best-known ways to obtain a reliability coefficient?
B)equivalent forms
C)internal consistency

Which of the following are the three best known ways to obtain a reliability coefficient?
A)predictive, concurrent, and equivalent forms
B)test-retest, equivalent forms, and internal consistency
C)test-retest, concurrent, and equivalent forms

To obtain evidence of concurrent validity a researcher will have to
A)consult another researcher.
B)review all of the instruments.
C)gather instrument data and criterion data at nearly the same time.
D)allow a time interval to elapse between administration of the instrument and obtaining the criterion scores.

If a researcher wishes to obtain content-related evidence of validity, a common way to do this is to
A)have a friend look over the instrument and give feedback.
B)obtain a Kuder-Richardson analysis.
C)review the instrument very carefully.
D)have an individual who knows enough about what is to be measured review the content and format of the instrument and judge whether it is appropriate.

What are the three main types of evidence on validity that a researcher might collect?
A)content-related evidence, criterion-related on validity, construct-related evidence
B)historical evidence, criterion-related evidence
C)content-related evidence, laboratory evidence, construct-related evidence
D)content-related evidence, criterion-related evidence, observation-related evidence