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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University

Internal Validity

Problem Sheet

Problem Sheet 9: Internal Validity

  1. My question or hypothesis is: ____________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________

  3. I have placed an X in the blank in front of four of the threats listed below that apply to my
    study. I explain why I think each one is a problem and then explain how I would attempt to
    control for the threat.
  4. Threats:

    ______ Subject characteristics ______ Mortality ______ Location

    ______ Instrumentation ______ Testing ______ History

    ______ Maturation Subject ______ Regression

    ______ Implementation ______ Attitude ______ Other

    Threat 1: _______________ Why? ___________________________________________


    I will control by __________________________________________________________


    Threat 2: _______________ Why? ___________________________________________


    I will control by __________________________________________________________


    Threat 3: _______________ Why? ___________________________________________


    I will control by __________________________________________________________


    Threat 4: _______________ Why? ___________________________________________


    I will control by __________________________________________________________




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