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Table of Contents

Contemporary Advertising, 9/e

William F. Arens

ISBN: 0072537728
Copyright year: 2004

Table of Contents

Part I: Advertising Perspectives
Chapter 1 What is Advertising Today?
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Advertising
Chapter 3 The Economic, Social and Regulatory Aspects of Advertising
Chapter 4 The Scope of Advertising: From Local to Global
Part II: Crafting Marketing and Advertising Strategies
Chapter 5 Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of Advertising
Chapter 6 Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix: Determinants of Advertising Strategy
Chapter 7 Research: Gathering Information for Advertising Planning
Chapter 8 Marketing and Advertising Planning: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and IMC
Chapter 9 Planning Media Strategy: Finding Links to the Market
Part III: Integrating Advertising With Other Elements of the Communication Mix
Chapter 10 Relationship Building: Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, and Sales Promotion
Chapter 11 Relationship Building: Public Relations, Sponsorship, and Corporate Advertising
Part IV: Creating Advertisements and Commercials
Chapter 12 Creative Strategy and the Creative Process
Chapter 13 Creative Execution: Art and Copy
Chapter 14 Producing Ads for Print, Electronic and Digital Media
Part V: Using Advertising Media
Chapter 15 Using Print Media
Chapter 16 Using Electronic Media: Television and Radio
Chapter 17 Using Digital Interactive Media and Direct Mail
Chapter 18 Using Out-of-Home, Exhibitive, and Supplemental Media

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