(8.0K) Proven. Reliable. Class-tested. Over 7,500 professors have chosen PageOut to create course Websites. And for
good reason: PageOut offers powerful features, yet is incredibly easy to use.
Now you can be the first to use an even better version of PageOut.
Through class-testing and customer feedback, we have made key improvements to
the grade book, as well as the quizzing and discussion areas. Best of all,
PageOut is still free with every McGraw-Hill textbook. And students needn't
bother with any special tokens or fees to access your PageOut Website.
Customize the site to coincide with your lectures.
Complete the templates with your course information and you will have an
interactive syllabus online. This feature lets you post content to coincide with
your lectures. When students visit your PageOut Website, your syllabus will
direct them to components of your book's Online Learning Center, or specific
material of your own.
Student tracking is easier than ever.
You will know exactly how well students are grasping material thanks to
PageOut's online grade book. Quiz and test grades from the Online Learning
Center are stored automatically to let you know which students need further
Moreover, a discussion board offers a forum where you and your students can ask
questions, exchange ideas, and talk about topics relating to your course.
There's even a feature that encourages students to build a web page of their
New features are based on customer feedback: - Specific question selection for quizzes
- Enhanced grade book with reporting features
- Ability to use the PageOut discussion area, or add your own third party
discussion too
- Password protected courses
Short on time? Let us do the work.
Send your course materials to our McGraw-Hill service team. They will call you
by phone for a 30 minute consultation. A team member will then create your
PageOut Website and provide training to get you up and running. |