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10.1 Genetics, Meiosis, and Cells

  1. How many kinds of gametes are possible with each of the following genotypes?



  1. What is meant by the symbols n and 2n?


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10.2 Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns

  1. Distinguish between phenotype and genotype.


  1. What is the difference between dominant and codominant?


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10.3 Mendel's Laws of Heredity

  1. In your own words describe Mendel’s Law of segregation.


  1. What does it mean when geneticists use the term independent assortment?


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10.4 Probability Versus Possibility

  1. What is the difference between probability and possibility?


  1. In what mathematical forms might probability be expressed?


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10.5 Steps in Solving Heredity Problems: Single-Factor Crosses

  1. What is a Punnett square?


  1. What types of symbols are typically used to express genotypes?


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10.6 The Double-Factor Cross

  1. What is the probability of each of the following sets of parents producing the given genotypes in their offspring?

Parents Offspring
a.AA x aaAa
b.Aa x AaAa
c.Aa x Aaaa
d.AaBb x AaBB AABB
e.AaBb x AaBB AaBb
f.AaBb x AaBb AAB


  1. If an offspring has the genotype Aa, what possible combinations of parental genotypes exist?


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10.7 Alternative Inheritance Situations

  1. In humans, the allele for albinism is recessive to the allele for normal skin pigmentation.

a. What is the probability that a child of a mother and a father who are heterozygous will be albino?
b. If a child is normal, what is the probability that it is a carrier of the albino allele?


  1. In certain pea plants, the allele T for tallness is dominant over t for shortness.

a. If a homozygous tall and homozygous short plant are crossed, what will be the phenotype and genotype of the offspring?
b. If both individuals are heterozygous, what will be the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the offspring?


  1. What is the probability of a child having type AB blood if one of the parents is heterozygous for A blood and the other is heterozygous for B? What other genotypes are possible in this child?


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10.8 Environmental Influences on Gene Expression

  1. What is meant by expressivity?


  1. Define the phrase lack of penetrance.


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