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16.1 Population Characteristics

  1. Describe 4 ways in which two populations of the same species can differ.


  1. How is population pressure related to population density?


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16.2 Reproductive Capacity

  1. Why do populations grow?


  1. In what way do the activities of species that produce few young differ from those that produce huge numbers of offspring?


  1. All organisms over-reproduce. What advantages does this give to the species? What disadvantages?


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16.3 The Population Growth Curve

  1. Draw a population growth curve. Label the lag, exponential growth, stable equilibrium phases.


  1. What causes there to be a lag phase in a population growth curve? an exponential growth phase? a stable equilibrium phase?


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16.4 Population-Size Limitations

  1. How is the carrying capacity of an environment related to the stable equilibrium phase of a population growth curve?


  1. Give an example of how the carrying capacity of the environment can be related to the size of individual organisms.


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16.5 Categories of Limiting Factors

  1. List four kinds of limiting factors that help set the carrying capacity for a species.


  1. Differentiate between density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors. Give an example of each.


  1. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors. Give an example of each.

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16.6 Limiting Factors to Human Population Growth

  1. As the human population continues to grow, what should we expect to happen to other species?


  1. How does the population growth curve of humans compare with that of other kinds of animals?


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