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Goals and Objectives
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Understand how the concept of surface area-to-volume ratio is related to human physiology.
  • Explain why cells are small.
  • Describe structural characteristics that increase the surface area of the gut.
  • Explain why the lungs, gut, and kidneys have large numbers of capillaries and a large surface area.
Recognize that several mechanisms are involved in maintaining homeostasis.
  • Describe how the circulatory system and respiratory system interact to maintain pH and oxygen levels.
  • Explain how the circulatory system and sweat glands interact to maintain a constant body temperature.
  • Describe how the processes of breathing, circulation, and exercise are interrelated.
  • Explain the function of breathing to oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
  • Describe the role of the kidneys in regulating blood pH.
  • Describe how the kidneys regulate the salt and water content of the body.
Understand how the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems function.
  • Explain how the kidneys are able to rid the body of waste products.
  • Describe the functions of the liver that are related to digestion.
  • Explain why a strongly pumping heart and open arteries and veins are essential to good health.
  • Explain the role of various organs of the digestive system in the enzymatic, mechanical, and chemical digestion of foods.

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