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Goals and Objectives
(See related pages)

Understand carbon atoms and their chemical nature.
  • Distinguish between molecules that are organic and inorganic.
  • State the features of a carbon atom that make it able to bond in chains and rings.
  • Describe how single and double covalent bonds are formed in organic molecules.
  • Draw an example of a carbon skeleton.
  • Recognize the main functional groups.
Recognize different molecular structures common to organic molecules.
  • List the major group of organic molecules associated with living things.
  • Recognize the basic subunit of each of the major groups of organic molecules.
  • Describe the function played by each of the major groups of organic molecules.
  • Give examples of each of the major groups of organic molecules.
  • Explain why certain organic molecules are considered monomers and others polymers.
  • Diagram a simple structure of the monomers of monosaccharide, amino acid, and nucleotide.
Know the ways that molecules can react with one another.
  • Explain the difference between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.
  • Diagram simple dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions.
  • Describe how organic molecules such as proteins can have primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures.

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