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Goals and Objectives
(See related pages)

Know the purpose of cell division.
  • List three important purposes of cell division.
  • Define the term differentiation.
  • Explain the significance of stem cells.
Understand the events of cell division.
  • Name the stages in the life cycle of a cell.
  • Name the stage in the cell cycle during which DNA replication occurs.
Understand the stages of mitosis and the events that occur in each stage.
  • List the stages of mitosis in their proper order.
  • Describe the events that occur in each stage of mitosis.
Know how plant and animal cells differ in the way they carry out mitosis.
  • Explain how animals and plants differ in how they carry out mitosis.
  • Define the terms cell wall and cell plate.
Understand the nature of cancer as it relates to mitosis.
  • Define the terms tumor, benign, malignant, and metastasize.
  • Explain the general methods used to control cancer.
  • List three carcinogenic agents.

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