1 |  |  What sequence is a palindrome? |
|  | A) | 5' ACGGATTCGC 3' |
|  | B) | 5' ATG 3' |
|  | C) | 5' CCATT 3' |
|  | D) | 5' CCAGG 3' |
|  | E) | 5' AGGCCT 3' |
2 |  |  The enzyme reverse transcriptase enables scientists to produce what product? |
|  | A) | Restriction endonucleases |
|  | B) | cDNA molecules |
|  | C) | Restriction fragment length polymorphisms |
|  | D) | Blunt end restriction fragments |
|  | E) | mRNA transcripts |
3 |  |  The rate of migration of DNA within an agarose gel in the gel electrophoresis technique is primarily based on what factor? |
|  | A) | The size of the DNA fragments |
|  | B) | The number of DNA fragments |
|  | C) | The size of the wells of the gel |
|  | D) | The negative charge of the DNA |
|  | E) | The volume of the DNA sample loaded |
4 |  |  Oligonucleotide gene probes are defined as what? |
|  | A) | Enzymes that recognize and subsequently degrade foreign DNA |
|  | B) | The pieces of DNA produced by restriction endonucleases |
|  | C) | An enzyme important in splicing genes into plasmids and chromosomes |
|  | D) | A short stretch of DNA of a known sequence that will base-pair with a complementary sequence |
|  | E) | A piece of DNA to which new nucleotides are added during DNA sequencing |
5 |  |  The technique that utilizes probes to detect specific DNA sequences is known as what? |
|  | A) | Southern blot |
|  | B) | Northern blot |
|  | C) | Western blot |
|  | D) | Eastern blot |
|  | E) | Northwestern blot |
6 |  |  In the Sanger method of DNA sequencing, what causes the termination of chain elongation? |
|  | A) | The incorporation of a regular DNA nucleotide |
|  | B) | The incorporation of a dideoxynucleotide |
|  | C) | Denaturation of the double-stranded test fragments |
|  | D) | When the DNA polymerase encounters a stop codon |
|  | E) | When denaturation causes the primers to disassociate from the strands |
7 |  |  Which of the following statements regarding the polymerase chain reaction is untrue? |
|  | A) | It can increase the amount of DNA in a sample |
|  | B) | It has the potential of diagnosing an infection from a single copy of a gene |
|  | C) | It utilizes DNA polymerases from psychrophilic organisms |
|  | D) | It can amplify DNA of only a few base pairs up to a whole genome |
|  | E) | It essentially mimics DNA replication as it occurs naturally |
8 |  |  Why are DNA polymerases from thermophilic organisms used in the polymerase chain reaction? |
|  | A) | Because they are required to keep the two strands separated |
|  | B) | Because they cannot add new nucleotides at low temperatures |
|  | C) | Because the primers will not attach to a complementary sequence unless the polymerases warm the reaction tube |
|  | D) | Because they are easier to isolate than psychrophilic DNA polymerases |
|  | E) | Because the priming and extension steps must be carried out at high temperatures to prevent the single strands from reannealing |
9 |  |  In recombinant DNA technology, a selected gene is removed from an animal, plant, or microorganism, and is inserted into what? |
|  | A) | A primer |
|  | B) | An oligonucleotide |
|  | C) | A palindrome |
|  | D) | A vector |
|  | E) | A cloning host |
10 |  |  Genomic libraries are useful for obtaining what product? |
|  | A) | Periodicals on genomics research |
|  | B) | Collections of isolated genes |
|  | C) | Instructional information on how to locate the exact site of the gene of interest |
|  | D) | Information relating to primers and PCR |
|  | E) | The structure and function of an isolated protein |
11 |  |  Good cloning vectors must possess all but which of the following qualities? |
|  | A) | They should possess their own origin of replication |
|  | B) | They should be readily accepted by the cloning host |
|  | C) | They should be easily manipulated |
|  | D) | They should be capable of carrying a significant piece of donor DNA |
|  | E) | They should be resistant to restriction endonucleases |
12 |  |  A scientist has a processed mRNA transcript for a gene he/she wants to clone into a bacterial vector. What must he/she do as a first step in this process? |
|  | A) | Use PCR to create a cDNA molecule |
|  | B) | Generate primers to the processed mRNA |
|  | C) | Sequence the mRNA transcript |
|  | D) | Digest the mRNA and cloning vector with the same restriction endonuclease |
|  | E) | Ligate the mRNA into the cloning vector |
13 |  |  The insertion of a cloning vector into a cloning host typically involves what process? |
|  | A) | Transduction |
|  | B) | Polymerase chain reaction |
|  | C) | Transformation |
|  | D) | Hybridization |
|  | E) | Conjugation |
14 |  |  Following insertion of a cloning vector into a cloning host, why are the host cells plated on selective medium, which usually contains an antibiotic? |
|  | A) | Because all the host cells are naturally resistant to the antibiotic |
|  | B) | Because all the host cells are naturally sensitive to the antibiotic |
|  | C) | Because the physical process of transformation causes the host cells to become resistant to the antibiotic |
|  | D) | Because only those host cells that have been transformed by the vector will grow in the presence of the antibiotic |
|  | E) | Because only those host cells that were not transformed by the vector will grow in the presence of the antibiotic |
15 |  |  Why does the Environmental Protection Agency closely monitor the release of transgenic bacteria used for agricultural purposes? |
|  | A) | They want to monitor the destruction of crops by the GMOs. |
|  | B) | They want to observe the effect the GMOs have on crops. |
|  | C) | They want to ensure the GMOs do not proliferate in the environment and pose a threat to humans. |
|  | D) | They want to ensure that people are aware that GMOs may have played a role in the production of a particular food product. |
|  | E) | They want people to understand how a food product is manufactured. |
16 |  |  Which is not a benefit of using mammalian cells as cloning and expression hosts? |
|  | A) | They may prevent allergic reactions to animal products. |
|  | B) | They allow large scale production of enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. |
|  | C) | Scientists do not have to use human cadavers as sources for hormones. |
|  | D) | Mammalian cells carry out protein modification, which prokaryotic cells cannot do. |
|  | E) | Mammalian clones replicate faster than prokaryotic clones and will thus express a protein product much quicker. |
17 |  |  Transgenic microorganisms have been used to improve or benefit all but which of the following? |
|  | A) | Meat yield |
|  | B) | Medical diagnosis |
|  | C) | Crop improvement |
|  | D) | Pest reduction |
|  | E) | Bioremediation |
18 |  |  In what type of gene therapy are genes inserted into an egg, sperm, or early embryo? |
|  | A) | Ex vivo therapy |
|  | B) | Germline therapy |
|  | C) | In vivo therapy |
|  | D) | Antisense therapy |
|  | E) | Triplex DNA therapy |
19 |  |  What type of genome map is the most ideal for understanding the nature of genes, what they code for, and their functions? |
|  | A) | Linkage maps |
|  | B) | Physical maps |
|  | C) | Sequence maps |
|  | D) | Fingerprint maps |
|  | E) | Contig maps |
20 |  |  The analysis and storage of the massive amount of data generated from sequence maps has led to the growth of what new disciplines? |
|  | A) | Immunology and virology |
|  | B) | Bioinformatics and medical microbiology |
|  | C) | Genomics and genetic engineering |
|  | D) | Genomics and bioinformatics |
|  | E) | Proteomics and environmental microbiology |
21 |  |  Which of the following statements regarding the findings of the Human Genome Project is incorrect? |
|  | A) | Humans share approximately 80% of their DNA sequences with mice. |
|  | B) | Genetic screening of families for inheritable diseases may become possible. |
|  | C) | A large amount of the human genome contains DNA sequences that do not code for cell protein. |
|  | D) | 97% of the human genome is made up of support DNA that functions in chromosome stabilizing and division, gene regulation, and ribosome assembly. |
|  | E) | Human chromosomes are capable of "walking." |
22 |  |  The creation of a DNA fingerprint involves all but which of the following techniques? |
|  | A) | Southern blotting |
|  | B) | Western blotting |
|  | C) | Polymerase chain reaction |
|  | D) | The use of restriction endonucleases |
|  | E) | Gel electrophoresis |
23 |  |  All methods of DNA fingerprinting depend on some variation of what strategy? |
|  | A) | RFLP |
|  | B) | GMOs |
|  | C) | Gene therapy |
|  | D) | Microarray analysis |
|  | E) | Nucleic acid hybridization |
24 |  |  Microarray analysis has allowed scientists to view what phenomenon? |
|  | A) | The genome sequence in a cell |
|  | B) | The cDNA of a cell |
|  | C) | The RFLPs of a cell |
|  | D) | The expression of specific genes in a cell |
|  | E) | The number of genes in a cell |
25 |  |  For scientists involved in genetic technology, the most effective method of gaining support for their work is to use what technique? |
|  | A) | Advertising |
|  | B) | Polls |
|  | C) | Publicizing exaggerated claims and frightening scenarios |
|  | D) | Education of the public |
|  | E) | Focus groups |