1 |  |  What cells work closely with macrophages to provide the elegance and complexity of immune function? |
|  | A) | Neutrophils |
|  | B) | Lymphocytes |
|  | C) | Monocytes |
|  | D) | Granulocytes |
|  | E) | Red blood cells |
2 |  |  The four main functional types of T cells include all of but which of the following? |
|  | A) | Helper cells |
|  | B) | Suppressor cells |
|  | C) | Cytotoxic cells |
|  | D) | Delayed hypersensitivity cells |
|  | E) | Plasma cells |
3 |  |  Which is not a function of cell surface receptors of macrophages and lymphocytes? |
|  | A) | Determine the intensity of response to an antigen |
|  | B) | Aid in cellular development |
|  | C) | Promote the recognition of self molecules |
|  | D) | Receive and transmit chemical messages among other cells |
|  | E) | Perceive and attach to antigens |
4 |  |  Major histocompatibility complex antigens are found on all human cells with the exception of what type of cells? |
|  | A) | Hepatocytes |
|  | B) | Neurons |
|  | C) | Red blood cells |
|  | D) | Splenocytes |
|  | E) | White blood cells |
5 |  |  Of the MHC genes, which codes for receptors that recognize and react with foreign antigens? |
|  | A) | Class I MHC |
|  | B) | Class II MHC |
|  | C) | Class III MHC |
|  | D) | CD4 receptors |
|  | E) | CD8 receptors |
6 |  |  What class of MHC receptors is found on the surface of all nucleated cells? |
|  | A) | Class I MHC |
|  | B) | Class II MHC |
|  | C) | Class III MHC |
|  | D) | CD4 receptors |
|  | E) | CD8 receptors |
7 |  |  What leads to the extreme variations in the expression of specific receptors in lymphocytes? |
|  | A) | Human leukocyte antigens |
|  | B) | Major histocompatibility complex antigens |
|  | C) | Conjugation |
|  | D) | Clonal selection |
|  | E) | Transduction |
8 |  |  What is the process by which lymphocyte clones that develop a specificity for self molecules are eliminated or deleted from the pool of genetic diversity? |
|  | A) | Antigen independence |
|  | B) | Lymphocyte stimulation |
|  | C) | Immune tolerance |
|  | D) | Antigen dependence |
|  | E) | Clonal selection |
9 |  |  Which of the following is not an assumption which can be derived from the clonal selection theory? |
|  | A) | Lymphocyte specificity is preprogrammed. |
|  | B) | Each genetically different type of lymphocyte expresses a single specificity. |
|  | C) | Any lymphocyte that could possibly mount a harmful response against self molecules is eliminated or suppressed. |
|  | D) | Development of both T and B lymphocytes follows a similar pattern. |
|  | E) | The first introduction of each distinct type of antigen into the immune system selects a genetically distinct lymphocyte and causes it to expand into a clone of cells that can react to that antigen. |
10 |  |  Which statement regarding antibodies is incorrect? |
|  | A) | They serve as the specific receptors on B cells. |
|  | B) | They are composed of two heavy (H) chains and two light (L) chains. |
|  | C) | Antigen binding sites are composed of constant (C) regions within one H and one L chain. |
|  | D) | Antibodies exist in a Y-shaped arrangement. |
|  | E) | The amino acid sequence within the variable (V) regions varies widely from one clone of lymphocytes to another. |
11 |  |  Immunoglobulin heavy (H) chains genes are composed of genes from what segments of the genome? |
|  | A) | V and D |
|  | B) | C and J |
|  | C) | V, D, and J |
|  | D) | V, J, and C |
|  | E) | V, D, J, and C |
12 |  |  Which of the properties listed below is not associated with B cells? |
|  | A) | They are found in high numbers throughout the circulatory system. |
|  | B) | They mature in the bone marrow. |
|  | C) | An immunoglobulin serves as the antigen receptor. |
|  | D) | They do not require MHC proteins for antigen recognition. |
|  | E) | They produce proteins that inactivate and neutralize antigens. |
13 |  |  A lymphocyte recognizes and responds to what component of an antigen? |
|  | A) | Hapten |
|  | B) | Antigenic determinant |
|  | C) | Constant region |
|  | D) | Variable region |
|  | E) | Joining chain |
14 |  |  What is an example of a poor immunogen? |
|  | A) | Glycoproteins |
|  | B) | Whole fungal cells |
|  | C) | Antibodies |
|  | D) | Glycogen |
|  | E) | Enzymes |
15 |  |  What is the component found in the human body which can serve as a carrier molecule when bound by haptens? |
|  | A) | Red blood cells |
|  | B) | Macrophages |
|  | C) | Plasma |
|  | D) | White blood cells |
|  | E) | Serum proteins |
16 |  |  What is responsible for incompatibilities that can occur during blood transfusions? |
|  | A) | Alloantigens |
|  | B) | Heterogenetic antigens |
|  | C) | Haptens |
|  | D) | Allergens |
|  | E) | Superantigens |
17 |  |  What are the first cells that recognize a processed and presented T-dependent antigen? |
|  | A) | Dendritic cells |
|  | B) | B lymphocytes |
|  | C) | Macrophages |
|  | D) | Memory cells |
|  | E) | T helper cells |
18 |  |  What is the function of interleukin-1 (IL-1)? |
|  | A) | It participates in opsonization. |
|  | B) | It triggers the secondary response to an antigen. |
|  | C) | It stimulates a general increase in activity of both committed B and T cells. |
|  | D) | It activates T helper cells that have recognized processed and presented antigen. |
|  | E) | It is a B cell growth factor. |
19 |  |  Once a B cell has processed and presented an antigen, what event must occur before it becomes activated? |
|  | A) | The MHC protein must degrade the antigen. |
|  | B) | A dendritic cell must secrete antibodies. |
|  | C) | The B cell must bind to an activated T helper cell that has receptors for the same antigen. |
|  | D) | The B cell must differentiate into memory cells and plasma cells. |
|  | E) | The B cell must process and present a second identical antigen. |
20 |  |  In what type of reaction do antibodies fill surface receptors on a virus or the active site on a molecule to prevent it from functioning normally? |
|  | A) | Opsonization |
|  | B) | Agglutination |
|  | C) | Complement fixation |
|  | D) | Recognition |
|  | E) | Neutralization |
21 |  |  What is the most prevalent antibody circulating throughout the tissue fluids and blood? |
|  | A) | IgM |
|  | B) | IgA |
|  | C) | IgD |
|  | D) | IgG |
|  | E) | IgE |
22 |  |  What antibody is a significant component of the mucous and serous secretions of the salivary glands, intestine, nasal membrane, breast, lung, and genitourinary tract? |
|  | A) | Monomeric IgA |
|  | B) | Dimeric IgA |
|  | C) | IgM |
|  | D) | IgE |
|  | E) | IgG |
23 |  |  What type of cell is fused with a myeloma cell when producing a hybridoma? |
|  | A) | B lymphocyte |
|  | B) | T lymphocyte |
|  | C) | Plasma cell |
|  | D) | Hepatocyte |
|  | E) | Neuron |
24 |  |  What is the mode of action of T cytotoxic cells? |
|  | A) | They secrete perforins that create pores in the membrane of a target cell. |
|  | B) | They secrete cytokines which stimulate growth and activation of both B and T cells. |
|  | C) | They inhibit the immune response. |
|  | D) | They initiate delayed responses to allergens. |
|  | E) | They contribute to the initiation of the classical complement pathway. |
25 |  |  Which of the following is an example of artificial passive immunity? |
|  | A) | A person who recovers from an infectious disease |
|  | B) | A person who receives immune serum during treatment for hepatitis |
|  | C) | A fetus receiving maternal antibodies that cross the placenta |
|  | D) | A person being vaccinated against Neisseria meningitides |
|  | E) | A newborn receiving antibodies in breast milk while breast feeding |