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Chapter Objectives
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After reading this chapter you should be able to:
  • identify major procaryotic cell structures in a drawing or photomicrograph
  • describe the various sizes, shapes, and cellular arrangements exhibited by procaryotes
  • describe the bacterial plasma membrane and the limited internal membrane structures found in procaryotes
  • describe the appearance, composition, and function of the various internal structures found in procaryotic organisms (such as inclusion bodies, ribosomes, and the nucleoid)
  • compare the structure of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial cell walls and explain how the differences between the two contribute to their Gram reaction
  • describe external structures such as capsules, fimbriae and flagelladiagram and describe the various arrangements of bacterial flagella
  • describe how bacteria use their locomotive ability to swim toward chemical attractants and away from chemical repellents
  • describe the production of the bacterial endospore and how it enables endospore-forming bacteria to survive harsh environmental conditions and renew growth when the environment becomes conducive to growth

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