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The Napster service was an example of _________________networking on the Internet.
A)central server
C)compressed music

The Internet was originally conceived of as
A)a mass medium.
B)a way for researchers to share data.
C)a method of interpersonal communication.
D)a form of entertainment.

________________ is a method for breaking up long messages into small pieces and transmitting them across a computer network.
A)The Internet
C)Packet Switching
D)Central Switiching

In 1964, engineer Paul Baran was designing a communication system with the idea of
A)making it quicker than systems of the time.
B)having many computers connect through one large computer.
C)having the system survive a nuclear strike.
D)making each message highly secure and private.

__________was a network service company that later became AOL.

___________was the first nationwide computer network.
D)Mobile Radio Network

TCP/IP was designed for the purpose of
A)creating more stable networks.
B)making networks more commercially viable.
C)connecting incompatible networks.
D)changing radio based networks to satellite based networks.

_______________systems allow users to chat with each other in real time.

The term hypertext means
A)any material that is written on a listserv.
B)material containing links that allow a reader to move easily between sections and between documents.
C)text that is written in HTML language.
D)any method of sending text of graphics over the Internet to a web browser.

According to the text, one of the major strengths of the Internet is
A)the system was a central hub.
B)it started as a military and academic information system.
C)the basic technology is free.
D)many addresses can take users to a single document.

Mosaic, the first easy to use graphic web browser, was created by
A)the military.
B)Tim Berners-Lee.
C)a group of college students.
D)Marc Andreesen.

The narrowband service works best for
A)text-based web pages.
B)streaming audio.
C)streaming video.
D)online radio.

According to the text, which cites information from Steven Levy's book " Hackers," the "hacker ethic" means a belief
A)in the right to "digitally trespass" into institutional computers.
B)that " all information wants to be free" and computer users should be able to use their computers to their fullest potential
C)that information on computers should be accessible only to those who have hackers' technical ability.
D)both A and B.

According to the text, a hacker would consider one positive element of a listserv to be
A)that most of the contributors have the same opinion.
B)it helps to create a new kind of bureaucratic authority.
C)contributor can hide or makeup parts of their identities online.
D)people of similar age, races, and positions can share their opinions.

According to the text, news websites from traditional media are particularly effective when there is breaking news because
A)they can devote a lot of time to one particular story.
B)they can reach workers at their desks.
C)they can give editorial opinions on the news.
D)They can provide supplementary material to the news.

According to the text, Internet films are mostly
A)expensive to make.
D)too long to distribute in theaters.

The existence of weblogs on the Internet is direct evident of the idea that
A)the Internet is not a reliable source for research.
B)stories with multiple instances of reporting begin to appear more significant.
C)professional writers can find work writing for the Internet
D)any web users can gain attention by publishing his or her ideas

According to the text, one reason the World Wide Web is not easily accessible to much of the world is that
A)not enough of the material is written in English.
B)there are not enough phone lines in many countries for people there to log on.
C)people in many countries do not know about the existence of the Internet.
D)it was not designed to work in certain countries.

According to the text, the fundamental problem with trying to control the spread of information over the Internet is
A)doing so offends many consumers.
B)the Internet was specifically designed to overcome blocks and breakdowns.
C)if the flow of information is stopped on the Internet, users will find some other method of conveying it.
D)it interferes with online sales by companies such as Amazon.

Tiny files called cookies are usually designed to _________________, but they can also be used to identify and track visitors at a websites.
A)help web surfers move from one website to another.
B)help Internet visitors make a record of the sites they have visited.
C)assist users as they go through one website.
D)help users to find rival websites of similar content.

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