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_______________ invented a method for recording sound on flat discs.
A)Thomas Edison
B)Emile Berliner
C)Alexander Graham Bell
D)John Kruesi

At first, Edison did not want the phonograph to be viewed as a musical reproduction device because
A)he knew his cylinders would not hold up to repeated playings.
B)he wanted every recording to be an original.
C)he was afraid people would view it as a toy, rather than a business machine.
D)he did not want the public to have access to music.

By 1935, the term high fidelity was being used to refer to
A)the use of the grooved record.
B)a higher speed of recording than was previously used.
C)the first record albums.
D)a combination of technologies for accurate recordings.

The phonograph provided a revolutionary way of preserving ____________ that previously could not be preserved for posterity.
A)social music
B)non-notated music
C)political speeches
D)musical scores

Debuting in 1948, a(n) ___________________ record was introduced by Columbia Records.
B)45 rpm
C)78 rpm
D)long playing

Akio Morita invented the
B)Sony Walkman.
C)MP3 file.
D)Sony minidisk

According to the text, the invention of the Walkman contributed greatly to
A)the quality of music recording.
B)people's ability to make connections with others.
C)the trend of personalized media use.
D)the sharing of music.

The invention of the ________________was significant for recording music, because it allowed music to be recorded in pieces and later edited together.
B)recording studio
C)magnetic tape recorder
D)digital recording

MP3s can be played on all of the following except:
A)an MP3 player.
B)a CD player
C)a computer.

The term race record referred to
A)any rock 'n' roll record.
B)white artists recording versions of songs originally done by black artists.
C)recordings by popular black artists prior to 1949.
D)records that addressed racial issues in the U.S.

The payola scandal in the 1950s was connected with
A)overselling tickets to a concert, which resulted in a fight.
B)record companies paying radio stations owners to get them interested in playing rock 'n' roll.
C)the ABC network taking money in exchange for having musical acts on American Bandstand.
D)payoffs to disc jockeys in the form of money or gifts to get them to play a particular record.

According to the text, one of Motown's biggest accomplishments was that it
A)allowed black artists to turn out hit songs, instead of providing songs for white artists to cover.
B)created recordings with the intention of having them sound great only on high quality equipment.
C)invented the idea of the girl group.
D)permitted musical artists to participate in several roles in the recording process.

According to the text, Motown artists helped the civil rights movement by
A)donating royalties to support the cause.
B)weakening racial barriers with integrated audiences.
C)joining the Freedom riders sit-ins while on tour.
D)performing as racially integrated groups.

The term British Invasion refers to
A)British corporate takeover of American record labels.
B)a movement beginning in 1964, when British bands brought a rougher edge to American rock 'n' roll.
C)British rock groups' introduction of the concept album to the United States.
D)the first British song to make it onto the Billboard charts.

The ___________ brings together a group of related songs on a common theme.
A)concept album
B)rock album
D)studio album

According to the text, disco was an entire genre of music that depended on using
A)a raw stripped down version of rock.
B)rebellion against political and economic conditions.
C)technology and the producer.
D)vocal and instrumental prowess.

The term rap means
A)the recording or sampling of music by other artists.
B)using multitrack recording to layer several separate tracks.
C)a style of music that evolved from DJs playing records and speaking over them.
D)any music that is played in dance clubs.

According to the text, the PMRC based their campaign on the idea that
A)most young people would be similarly affected by a certain type of music.
B)songwriters should never be permitted to mention sex, drugs, or violence in their lyrics.
C)not all young people would interpret a song in the same way.
D)heavy metal music contained more disturbing lyrics than rap did.

The term live recording means
A)the recording was made in concert, not in the studio.
B)The music has a lively kind of energy to it.
C)the musicians record the music in a single take.
D)the record has a standard of perfection that musicians can't live up to in a live concert

The term cover song means
A)a song that was first recorded by a black person, and later recorded by a white person.
B)a song first performed by its writer.
C)a song that covers meaningful issues in its content.
D)any song recorded by someone other than the original artist.

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