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Internet Connection Activity
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1. The American Film Institute recently recognized the top 100 American made movies of all time. The nominated films were all made in the first 100 years of American cinema (1896-1996). Link to the homepage for the AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies ( Rent one of the movies you have not seen before. Before watching the movie (or afterwards, if you prefer) read some background material about the movie.

a. Why do you believe the movie is on the list?

b. Did you like the movie? Why or why not?

c. Does it deserve its spot on the list? Why or why not?

2. The American Film Institute recently recognized the top 50 heroes and top 50 villains of the last 100 years of movies. Link to the homepage for the AFI's 100 Years…100 Heroes and Villains ( Rent one of the movies you have not seen before. Before watching the movie (or afterwards, if you prefer) read some background material about the movie.

a. Why do you believe the movie¹s hero or villain is on the list?

b. Did you like or hate the hero/villain? Why or why not?

c. Does the character deserve his or her spot on the list? Why or why not?

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