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According to the text, the First Amendment does not protect____________ statements.

The Alien and Sedition Acts punished anyone who
A)published newspapers with authority of the government.
B)hampered free speech in the United States.
C)published false, scandalous or malicious writings against the U.S.
D)plotted to overthrow the president or government of the U.S.

The 1998 Digital Millennium copyright act makes it illegal to
A)copy a DVD movie to watch at home.
B)create a DVD that will play on a computer.
C)create copy protection for movies, music, or software.
D)use a program that will make a copy of a protected movie.

According to the text, a highly effective defense against a libel suit is
A)claiming something is the truth.
B)claiming a statement is defamatory.
C)claiming that a statement is privileged.
D)claiming that a fact is a statement of opinion.

In the case Times v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court decide to overturn the previous ruling because
A)they thought the ads had damaged Sullivan's reputation.
B)they decided Sullivan's reputation had not sustained any damage.
C)false statements made in good faith against public officials should be protected.
D)the Times had acted with actual malice against the police.

The aspect of privacy law called ______________, means invasion of privacy in which a journalist publishes untrue statements that alter a persons' public image in a way that he or she cannot control.
B)false light

The term misappropriation means
A)claiming that a person conducted his or herself in an inappropriate manner.
B)printing a description of a person saying or doing certain things, when the reporter has never even been in contact with that person.
C)using a person's name or image for commercial purposes without his or her permission.
D)a reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of a published account.

According to the text, freedom of speech often conflicts with
A)freedom of religion.
B)the right to bear arms.
C)the right to a fair trial.
D)freedom to assembly.

Dr. Sam Shepard's murder conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court because
A)he was not permitted to speak in court in the original trial.
B)media activities had prevented a fair trial the first time.
C)the original trail had been postponed due to publicity.
D)in the first trial, jurors had not been permitted to hear media coverage of the trial.

Film cameras were first allowed in courtrooms in

The results of the Food Lion lawsuit against ABC resulted in preserving the right of
A)journalists to report truthful information.
B)a company to shield its business practices from the eyes of reporters.
C)journalists to investigate a company's practices, with the company's knowledge.
D)companies to fire employees who lied on their resumes when they were hired.

When the Nixon administration attempted to suppress the Pentagon Papers, this was an example of
A)seditious libel
B)citing the first amendment
C)prior restraint
D)revealing a source

The Supreme Court said that a principal could censor a student newspaper when it as part of a class, because
A)the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech for adults.
B)a school need not tolerate student speech that is inconsistent with its "basic educational mission".
C)a school should provide circumstances in which students can test the boundaries of their right to free speech.
D)a principal can interpret the Bill of Rights in anyway he or she sees fit, for his or her students.

In legal terms, the word obscene describes
A)any material that is sexual in nature.
B)material that is viewed as obscene by " community standards"
C)sexually explicit material that is legally prohibited from being published.
D)work that contains sex or nudity.

The _____________________created the Federal Communication Commission.
A)Radio Act of 1927
B)Communications Act of 1934
C)Commercial Broadcast Act of 1920
D)Radio Act of 1912

The FCC's equal time provision requires stations to
A)provide airtime to all political candidates.
B)edit political ads that may be libelous.
C)ensure all candidates have equal access to airtime.
D)channel graphic political messages into late night spots.

Following a 1985 study, the FCC essentially stopped enforcing the fairness doctrine because
A)stations did not have time to represent all sides of an issue.
B)there were not enough issues to have debates about.
C)too many stations were only giving airtime to people with extreme opinions.
D)it tended to inhibit free speech and was no longer needed.

In 1997, the Supreme Court struck down the Communications Decency Act, because it
A)limited the free speech of minors.
B)interfered with the First Amendment rights of adults.
C)encouraged lewd and lascivious messages on the Internet.
D)discriminated against minors chatting with adults.

The "freedom to associate" clause of the First Amendment
A)limits search and seizure.
B)limits disclosure or personal information.
C)protects the right to possess any literature in the privacy of one's home.
D)requires a group to make its membership known to the public.

The person who gave information from the Pentagon Papers to the press was
A)Neil Sheehan
B)Daniel Ellsberg
C)Robert McNamara
D)President Nixon

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