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Multiple Choice Questions
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The Peoples choice study of 1940 found that voters who
A)paid the most attention to campaign media coverage were the most affected by it.
B)decided whom to vote for at the last minute, viewed media coverage to help them decide.
C)are the most persuadable, were strongly influenced by both their friends and the campaign.
D)paid the most attention to media coverage of the campaign were least likely to be influenced by it.

The term opinion leaders refers to
A)local politicians who help campaign efforts.
B)community members who are very interested in a topic and spend much time in the media.
C)media members whose work helps mold the opinions of viewers.
D)any member of a social group who makes a great effort to convince other group members that his or her opinion is right.

The ___________________ holds that the issues that are portrayed as important in the news, become important to the public.
A)direct effects model
B)agenda-setting theory
C)resonance model
D)competitive model

Of the eight enduring values noted by sociologist Herbert Gans, _____________is the idea that your own country and culture are better than others.
A)altruistic democracy
B)small-town pastoralism
C)social order

A survey showed that 95 percent of members of the U.S. House of Representatives felt that the ______________ network is unbiased.

Franklin Roosevelt was able to serve as president for more than 12 years without the public knowing he was confirmed to a wheelchair because at the time
A)it was not expected that a president would be photographed.
B)White House photographers did not know about his wheelchair, only his crutches.
C)reporters decided it was best to cooperate, and only photograph him when he was standing.
D)reporters were told his disability was only a temporary one.

According to the text, the Internet has taken away some of the gatekeeping functions of the traditional media. A result of this is that
A)more newsworthy stories are reported on than before.
B)the public has a greater interest in celebrity gossip than it did before.
C)stories about the personal indiscretions of politicians are reported about more frequently than before.
D)there are more ways to confirm is a story is accurate or not.

According to the text, one reason that TV networks made mistakes during the 2000 elections was
A)disinterest in the outcome.
B)the urge to be first in reporting results.
C)over attention to detail.
D)not consulting exit polls.

According to the book "Four Theories of the Press," the _____________ theory says that the role of the press is to be a servant of the government, not of the citizenry.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian media have
A)been highly critical of the government.
B)supported themselves through advertising revenues.
C)censored themselves to remove anything critical of the government
D)been actively censored by the government.

The free press of a libertarian society contains the principle that
A)accepting advertising may bias the press.
B)a thorough telling of the truth will ensure that most people have similar opinions.
C)the publishing of true statements takes precedent over false ones.
D)The most rational ideas will be the most accepted ones.

Social responsibility theory advocates a press run by
A)a socially responsible government.
B)the people of a society.
C)responsible but profitable private companies with non-authoritarian controls.
D)private companies who support the views of the government.

According to the text, citizens of many Arab nations can frequently get opposing views to those on their state controlled media by
A)listening to commercial media.
B)listening to news from neighboring states.
C)discussing news with their neighbors.
D)traveling to western cities like London.

Development theory states that developing nations
A)need even more press freedom than established nations do, in order to establish their identities.
B)have the same needs as western nations do.
C)may need to have press controls to promote industry, identity, and international partnerships.
D)must concentrate on sending media messages to all radio and TV audiences in a country.

Before starting his website, Matt Drudge
A)reported for a newspaper.
B)was a White House correspondent for a TV network.
C)worked as a salesperson in a CBS gift shop.
D)wrote a gossip column.

According to the text, many of Matt Drudge's so called "exclusives" are
A)well researched stories.
B)links to stories on other websites.
C)rumors that Drudge made up himself.
D)"scoops" on interviews with controversial figures.

Responsible capitalism is the idea that
A)businesses should be free to do what they must, to make as much profit as possible.
B)its better if the growth of capitalism is controlled by government interests.
C)labor unions should have more control than big business does.
D)open, yet responsible business competition will create a better world for everyone.

C-SPAN is able to devote huge amounts of time to individual topics because
A)it has excellent ratings.
B)its a non-profit organization
C)its viewers are very politically active.
D)it stays on the air more of the day than other cable networks.

The first president to make full use of television, to look self-assured and experienced was
A)Franklin Roosevelt

Because of a picture of him with a girl that was published in the Washington post _______________________ withdrew from a presidential race.
A)Bill Clinton
B)Gary Hart
C)John Kennedy
D)Richard Nixon

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