| Web Design using Dreamweaver Marc D. Miller Thomas C. Padgett
Feature Summary- Hands-On Modules: Stress hands-on experience with each chapter’s concepts and procedures. These modules follow the content of the chapter and lead users through the process of performing a task the right way, allowing students to learn correct procedures for use in their own projects.
- Running Case Exercise: Challenges students to apply what they’ve learned in a realistic e-business environment. These cases can also be omitted with no effect on the rest of the material. Each running case builds on the practicality of text concepts presented in each module.
- End-of-chapter material: Covers a wide range of learning styles and levels of difficulty, using Bloom’s famous Learning Taxonomy (Knowledge – Comprehension – Application – Analysis) to enable total student comprehension of chapter concepts.
- Pedagogy: Web Design Using Dreamweaver was written for use in a classroom and includes pedagogy to help students master the material. Each chapter contains the following: Learning Objectives, Chapter Intro, Chapter Body (including web exercises, examples, and step by step instructions),Chapter Summary, Key Terms, 30 problems and exercises, 3-4 practice projects, and 3 Web Quest exercises.