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Writing Prompts
Directions: Type your responses to the items below.
To the Web
Consult one or more of the following websites that pertain to the topic of the reading selection. Then answer the questions based on information obtained from the websites.
Citibank offers excellent information about credit and money management for young adults.
This website presents a selection from Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt.
This website presents a selection entitled, "10 Things You Should Know about Credit Card Debt."
This website is a financial advice website run by two brothers who call themselves the "motley fools." (They are both highly intelligent, well educated, and have sense of humor.) If you go to the homepage first (it's worth exploring), look for the heading "Tools and Resources." Beneath it is a link entitled "Get Out of Debt." Click on it and go to "Lesson 2: Six Steps for Eliminating Credit Card Debt." If you prefer, you can type in the following address and go directly to Lesson 2:
This article is entitled, "Home Is Where the National Debt Is." As the title suggests, it is about the national debt, the total amount of money owed by the U.S. government.