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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Strategies for Effective Teaching, 4/e

Allan Ornstein, St. John's Univeristy---Jamaica
Thomas Lasley, University of Dayton

ISBN: 0072564288
Copyright year: 2005

Table of Contents

Part I: Perspectives on Effective Teaching Performance

Chapter 1: The Art of Effective Teaching

The Reasons for Teaching
The Art of Effective Teaching
The Concept of Learning How to Learn
The Learning Paradigm and Constructivism
A Final Note

Chapter 2: The Effective Teacher

Review of the Research on Teaching: The Science
Teacher Styles
Teacher Expectations
Teacher Traits
Teacher Effects
The Master Teacher
Cautions and Criticisms
Beyond Effective Teaching: New Research, New Paradigms

Part II: Professional Skills Associated with Effective Teaching

Chapter 3: Instructional Objectives

The Aims of Education
Types of Objectives
Educational Taxonomies
Establishing Specific Objectives
Applying Gronlund's Objectives
Writing Your Own Goals and Objectives
Additional Thoughts on Objectives

Chapter 4: Instructional Planning

How Teachers Plan
Unit Plans
Lesson Plans
Sample Lesson Plans

Chapter 5: Instructional Strategies

Instructional Approach I: If Teaching a Specific Skill or Process, then Use Practice and Drill
Instructional Approach II: If Checking for Student Understanding, then Use Various Forms of Questioning
Instructional Approach III: If Seeking to Present Complex Ideas Efficiently, then Use Lecture
Instructional Approach IV: If Fostering Critical or Creative Thinking, then Use Strategies that Emphasize Student-Centered Learning
The Instructional Debate
Theory into Practice

Chapter 6: Instructional Materials

Selecting Instructional Materials
Presenting Materials
Textbook and Pedagogical Aids
Workbook Materials
Simulations and Games
Theory into Practice

Chapter 7: Technology in the Classroom

A Rationale for Using Technology
Chalkboard and Display Board
Overhead Projectors and PowerPoint
Televisions and Videos
Telecommunication Systems
Theory into Practice

Chapter 8: Instructional Grouping

Classroom Seating Arrangements
Whole Group Instruction
Small Group Instruction
Individualized Instruction for Enhanced Student Learning
Theory into Practice

Chapter 9: Classroom Management and Discipline

Approaches to Classroom Management
Implementing Alternative Approaches to Classroom Management
Discipline Issues
Theory into Practice

Chapter 10: Standards and Student Assessment

Criteria for Selecting Tests
Standardized and Nonstandardized Tests
Teacher-Made Tests
Authentic Assessments
Administering and Returning Tests
Theory into Practice

Chapter 11: Student Evaluation and Teacher Accountability

Types of Evaluation
Evaluation Methods and Approaches
Traditional Grading
Standard-Based Grading
Records and Reports of Performance
Communication with Parents
Theory into Practice

Part III: Professional Development for Effective Teaching Performance

Chapter 12: Professional Development

Reforming Teacher Education
Helping the Beginning Teacher
Supervision and Evaluation
New Forms of Evaluation
National Board Certification
Professional Associations and Activities
Theory into Practice

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