Chapter 1 has been completely revised: now simpler and shorter, it includes an important new discussion of the distinction between persuasion and argumentation.
Expanded coverage focuses on informal fallacies, including nationalism, scapegoating, and guilt-tripping.
Chapter 3 now emphasizes the necessary conditions of credibility, rather than sufficient conditions, making the material more useful.
New exercises and examples throughout reflect the current political context.
A new companion Online Learning Center provides interactive exercises and resources for both students and instructors. Compatible with McGraw-Hill's free PageOut course management system, as well as WebCT and Blackboard, it allows instructors to create customized course websites.
Every new copy of the text is now packaged with a free study guide on CD-ROM, as well as free access to PowerWeb!
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.