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Review Quiz 2
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The following is a review quiz for objective 1-3.

In order to have an "issue" there must be a dispute between at least two parties.
Which of the following is a good way to state an issue in neutral terms?
A)Turn the claim that one party accepts and the other party rejects into a question.
B)Place the word "if" in front of the claim that one party accepts and the other party rejects.
C)Place the words "it is possible that" in front of the claim that one party accepts and the other party rejects.
D)Place the word "whether" in front of the claim that one party accepts and the other party rejects.
It is fair to say that an issue and a topic of conversation are the same thing.
Generally speaking, which of these statements best represents the relationship between issues and topics of conversation?
A)A topic of conversation often has several issues at stake.
B)An issue often has several topics of conversation at stake.
Which of the following offers the best identification of "abortion?"
A)It is a topic of conversation.
B)It is a claim.
C)It is an issue.
An argument comprises which of the following?
A)At least a premise.
B)At least a conclusion.
C)At least two premises and a conclusion.
D)At least one premise and one conclusion.

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