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Review Quiz 1
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The following is a review quiz for objective 11-1.

"Only relevant difference" reasoning can be conclusive if careful experimental scientific methods are used.
When applying "only relevant difference" reasoning, one must be careful to deal only with relevant differences. The problem is, determining what is relevant or not is subjective and based in part on our background knowledge.
It is fair to say that "only relevant difference" reasoning and "only relevant common thread" reasoning are variations of the same argument and, as such, can be evaluated using similar criteria.
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A)Common thread reasoning is best suited as a method for forming hypotheses to be tested in some other way, such as an experiment involving relevant difference reasoning.
B)Due to their similarities, both of the other options here could be true.
C)Relevant difference reasoning is best suited as a method for forming hypotheses to be tested in some other way, such as an experiment involving common thread reasoning.
Which of the following is the best definition for the word "relevant" as it applies to differences and common threads considered in causal arguments?
A)If something is relevant, there is clear evidence to show how it caused the feature in question.
B)If something is relevant it is impossible to suppose that anything besides 'it' could have caused the feature in question.
C)If something is relevant it is not unreasonable to suppose that it might have caused the feature in question.

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