The following is a review quiz for the Chapter 6 objectives.
1 |  |  It is fair to say that all rhetorical devices tempt us to accept a claim or modify our position on an issue without our having a good reason for doing so. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
2 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that attacks the arguer instead of the argument. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
3 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that unfairly places the onus of providing evidence for a position on the wrong side of an issue. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
4 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that ignores an opponent's actual position and instead presents and attacks a distorted, oversimplified, or misrepresented version of that position. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
5 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that limits consideration to only two alternatives when there are, in fact, more than two. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
6 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that claims we must continue a certain course of action since we have already begun that course. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
7 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that tempts us to believe there is a necessary connection between one thing happening and some other thing happening when, in fact, there is no such necessary connection. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
8 |  |  From the list below, select the name of the rhetorical device that asks us to accept premises that are as controversial as the conclusion being argued for and which are controversial on the same grounds. |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
9 |  |  Poisoning the well and argument from inconsistency are versions of which of the following types of rhetorical devices? |
|  | A) | Slippery slope |
|  | B) | Begging the question |
|  | C) | False dilemma |
|  | D) | Ad hominem |
|  | E) | Burden of proof |
|  | F) | Straw man |
10 |  |  An appeal to ignorance is an ad hominem attack where the intelligence of the arguer is impugned. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
11 |  |  It is fallacious to conclude that a person's claim should be dismissed if it is determined that they are hypocritical on the subject. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |